Friday, February 27, 2009

hmm friday finally!
first was math, li yang/cher taught us implicit differentiation of u^x terms, understood the bulk of it but took me quite a while to figure it out.
then it was pe, fun fun!
first we did a super duper exhausting jog for the inter-class relay and then we did a 4 by 100m relay!
i got teamed up with faisal, yu jie and beckham.
hehe i was the first runner at one time , really nervous.
with the baton in my right hand i was like, "yu jie! yu jie! take it take it!!!!", such fun stuff.
well, we got 2nd to shawn's group =(, but then again, we did one more round with the same results as we found it was fun =)
after which was gp essay test urgh....
faisal and gang took away my last half of mentos =(, had to starve the rest of the day without it ....haha, faisal, ur on my candy black list ..
anyways, i wrote some rubbish on singapore issues, water contract bla bla bla...
then it was math lecture, we were a little late then so we all barged into the lecture theatre in one big chunk. fortunately, we were not being stared at by ugly people.
then, after the class briefing by super-sofi, i headed off to art lesson, taking that heavy stone block with me from my locker.
had some presentation on sculptures and we did one point perspective drawing of the art studio!
the charcoal was like urgh, the black powder kept flying around, in just 5 minutes of drawing, my hands were all black like over-cooked ba gua, then again i went to a 5 min toilet break and my drawing had looked entirely different from where i started! nooooooooo =(
so i sought to the kneadable eraser for help =/
it was not bad, till i started stretching the elastic to clean it, the smell was unbearable! it smells like some burnt barbie doll or boiled chewing gum! yuck! i felt like vomiting.
well, after which i met up with the chinese hod, mrs chua about something to design.
she was like "ni shi yao yang ma? qing wen wo yao..bla bla bla" , with my chinese capapbility i hardly understood what she was saying, ugh sigh... but fortunately, she was effectively bilingual, talked in english and gave me the vital points to write down.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

ah well, here are some of the orientation pics for my class =)
thanks wing yu!

ah k......
chem was simply normal like always...urgh
Project work lecture, got to watch a video pertaining animal cruelty.
oh yea! and since my class is allocated at the rear end of the auditorium, there's this annoying stereo box at the corner that kept making a noise like "zxzxxxxxxssss-zrgh!!! zxxxxxxssss!!" which made all of us cover our ears. HMM!
Then it was chinese, argh so boring! but Su Lao Shi gave us a self-introduction worksheet for us to do. so i was scribbling away hastily while she was explaining some questions on composition which did not matter much to me.
Yay! also got to rent a locker today! cost me 30 dollars urgh, no sushi buffet for me =(
it also turns out that some of my art class pals are locker neighbours with me too!
esther helped me out a little with the pad lock thing and it was pretty fun!
it went like girg, girg, girg..then chukgn! yay it's opened!
Then it was project work tutorial, grouped up and we discussed stuff with handi-capped people. adam gave us work to do, argh.
Then it was Physics, despite it being a 1.5 hour long dry lesson, our relief teacher, Miss Tan, entertained all of us during physics. hehe she is really funny, interactive also! she also has a strong sense of humor!
then, along the way home, i met up with yi wen, yu jie and chicky, (a weird mix). well, went on to talk stuff bla bla bla...
lol! along the way our math teacher, Li Yang met us in the bus and he went on to annoy yi wen about her name, i was also kinda bugged out, twitching my eyes here and there. ....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

argh, dad's scolding me!
nonetheless, heres a pic of the bottle i drew in alptitude test for art, pretty rough...

lol the pencil smudged alot was just another day...
first was chem, learnt some stuff....sien
next was GP presentation argh! fortunately, my group did the neccesary preperations to the presentation, pretty impressed with Shi Hong's colorful vocabluary. well we did pretty fine, beckham and shi hong did quite well, i did my presentation, but unfortunately the other male teacher was like, super ugly, so i focused my attention to the nice malay lady next to him. Got pretty bored in the middle , so i sought to the fan on top of me to excite my eyes.
Mr goh gave some (luckily) simple questions and zhen hong and i answered.
Then, it was CT lesson, we did some super lame "PSE" - styled self-help lesson. Stuff about being proactive to be a highly successful person, well, did not quite absorb much of the information as my group were drawing random pictures of smiley faces all over the majong paper. i contributed too, with my smiley faces, i drew a naked woman silouwette but yi wen told me to scribble it off , LOL
Shi Hong drew a froggy and julia drew a pair of birds.
our group did a presentation on the topic on "how to be proactive in cca". shi hong took the opportunity to promote and publisize her newly-initiated CCA, the CJK, probly something about east asian pop culture...
well all pretty much giggled alot from the lesson. i scribbled some random stuff onto my reflection sheet and im kinda regretting it now.
then it was CCA! MEDIA CLUB!
as always, we got into the small, cramp room at three and we got a brief orientation around mediaclub-property. our ex co were friendly to us, which made me smile alot. equipment department seemed too sien for me, ex co seemed to serious and archiving hurts my eyes, so, MARKETING is the way for me!
then, we did some orientation games for probably an hour umm, well that's pretty much.
oooo sat down with my CCA pals to wait for the rain, one of which is nadheera, did some math and i played with my calculator once again.
after the rain was all drizzly, i went home, but WAIT!
after i walked out of school, there it was, a streak of vibrant colors, a myriad of hues, A RAINBOW, this really made me feel so happy and settled, a good way to end my day =)
well here is the photos i took from school,

pretty sweet lol, that rainbow is really amazing,
well, got to the MRT and guess what, tons of people were taking snap shots of the rainbow too =)

well, got out of the MRT and practiced my photo-taking skills too =)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

harlo people...
k today started with physics, learnt some stuff....did some worksheets zzz...
then it was 1.5 hrs of hell, chinese lesson...urgh. well on the bright side, we sat in an air-con room for that same duration. did some chinese idiom thing, almost slept, fortunately my new chinese-lesson pals kept me awake..
physics lecture was ok...learnt some stuff on kinematics and all, played with the graph function on the calculator and hence lost my attention. Did not catch the large chunk on the sign notations as i was trying to draw a smiley face.
Then it was project work, argh! don't understand what is it all about! im doomed!
adam was really good in the leadership stuff, he talked the bulk. we all gave some ideas but they seem mediocre, to the other groups, so im thinking of it right now... hmmm
Then it was math argh! the super cramp classroom position makes my neck ache and theres this strange musty smell that lingers around the whiteboard, urgh.
Li Yang was all sick and all so his face turned super red every now and then like some traffic light.
then, after the long break, i had my art lesson, clarissa did some nice presentation on gauguin, i took down some notes. hmm, that gaugin sure is a disturbed person, all the super distorted naked woman and the irony of using bright colors to picture "looming death" and all . I just can't appreciate his work....oh well
watched a video on Vincent Van Gogh, another crazy, insane artist with super duper good expressionism painting skills... hmm got home and stroked miki on the tummy, hehehe =)
well, that's all

Monday, February 23, 2009

Man!, today was really exhausting.
Got the monday blues in the morning, but i popped a mentos into my mouth and im as happy as a rich man!
first period was chinese ugh, boring as usual.
then physics, did some complicating striaght-line graph theory questions, took me a while to figure it out, aishah kept hitting me with a chunk of black plastic , so i threw my blue pen at her.
Got to have breakfast with yi wen and wan xin as always, nuren and nadheera joined us later on.. we were pretty bored, so wan xin shared with us how to fold a heart and i introduced my double-heart technique! in addition to that, i went on and created one of the hexagon boxes( with cover) that i have learnt from some chinese book.
Well, next was math lecture, ugh, crazy on man just went on and on...
lol, to such an extent that i used the graphic calculator to draw up a portrait of patrick!, took e a while to find the equation for the eyes, but it turned out quite nice, got some people to laugh also =)
anyways, these are the equations to the picture.
y = -(25-x^2)^0.5-10
y = (50-(x^2-15)^2)^0.5+10
y = -[(50-(x^2-15)^2)^0.5]+10
y = -x^2+60
y = (50-(x^2-15)^2))^0.5+20
y = -2(x-15)^2-5
y = -2(x+15)^2-5
y = 15sin(50x)+80

in addition to that,
xmin = -20
xmax = 20
ymin = -50
ymax = 150

(remove grid axis for better effect !)

after which we all went to eat at the canteen together, i took some food and aishah ate her super soggy mee rubus noodles.

met up again for GP, in our grp ive got: Beckham, Shi Hong, Wanxin(again???)and Zhen hong. Zhen hong actually turned out to be a very well read and matured person, totally the opposite of my first impression. got to be ministry of home affairs... sigh...stupid homework...

Then it was PE argh, fortunately, it was raining heavily, but we still had to do pull ups and sit ups, not to mention run around the hall. urgh almost hit my head at the stupid low door way...

well took bus home with ayleen and jared, talked about stuff. hmm thats all.

Friday, February 20, 2009

yay saturday finally!

well, nothing much, going to buy some materials at lot 1 later...
play some games... oh well..
thank goodness its friday..

woke up today with a huge blister on my foot , ouch, nevermind about that, doesn't look obvious..
first it was math, the whole class got to sit in the weird "share circle" formation, which made all of us sit in different awkward positions. unfortunately i sat on the table tops until both my legs went numb. luckily, i got to understand some key principles and theory of differentiation, well took me 3 mins to think, but its rather fun =)
next was pe, sigh....was super duper sunny and hot this morning, jogged 3 laps around the B Ball court above the grandstand and did some pull ups. well, i managed with 1.5, seeing the girls do inclined, i felt jealous...=(
then it was short put, some ball throwing activity. i partnered zhan lun with this, oh yea! he lent me his glue stick for art , thank you!. well, we started off by throwing 4kg balls to markers and marked the readings down. both me and zhan lun did roughly the same, mostly 4metre-ish .
after that, we had a very short break lasting for half an hour..=(,
then it was GP...(my second least fav subject), learnt about critical reading, and it was super duper boring, i just don't want to say about that.
next was a lecture on math, got to learn the application of differentiation in some simple stuff.
then, IT WAS ART! whoohoo, how fun! Mrs Tay taught us the power of 1, 2 and 3 point perspective drawing, i started out shaky much in the sketching, but i got the hold of it in half an hour's time. after helping her pull out a table covered in lizard shit, we got to tear and paste different colored papers onto big sized cartridge papers. With our paper in one hand and our painter's stand thingy, we went to draw the school building in the parade square... in 2 point perspective!.
i did some nice lines and all, but my sweaty hand kept smudging all the pencil marks all over the paper. sigh... everyone tried too, was not bad. lots of annoying people came to look at us, saying" i've tried art before but i...","wha, what do you think they are painting?"...stupid idiots, they kept distracting us.
then after the housekeeping of materials i headed home.
i had a pretty good mood when i came home but unfortunately my super duper ignorant brother pissed me off and demanded me to "oi do your homework" when i took over him while we was eating his undercooked pizza. AND even though he was playing like,umm 8mins before this??? and i was blogging? not even playing. sigh....well life is like that, i study so hard , score better and yet my dad prefers to back my brother who cant get a decent mark on ANY of his subjects... hmmffff oh well =(

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ugh sian, just got scolded unreasonably by my father again....
well , today we started off with chemistry, learnt more in dept stuff about the mole concept and stuff. kinda did a few questions ahead of everyone, quite challenging, but fun =)

then it was PW lecture, kinda well, infomative, i also got a pretty neat pink card to put in the belly of my wallet, well, to refer.

next was a long long BORING chinese session. We learnt about saying bon voyage to people and the teacher went on and on and on.....
spent 60% of the time in dreamland , so did not really listen much.

after which was project work, hehe lol, got to talk more with adam today since he is in my group, he is really a friendly person. oh yea! me , wanxin and nureen got jared to talk more than 2 sentences in a dialogue today. He joined archery, so well, interesting....woohooo!!!! adam chose the steering wheel, wanxin, the windscreen, nuren the uhhh kinda forgot oh well,
then it was our turn to present our picture to the class, drawn by mua, (adam drew a pretty taxi sign too) went on to present, kinda enjoyed it, adam talked much n make ppl all smile and i talked too and made people all jiggly-like. hmm jared helped out too, he seems more confident today, speak up jared lol =)
well, wanxin and nuren slacked and laughed like emperor concubine.

then physics, kinda bored to death during the lesson. got a break in the middle, but oh no i got lost!
still remembered that once i left the class, i was so anxious to buy myself ice tea(hot wheather leh) that i completely forgot the class number!!!!
so, after using the magic toilet with the musical door, a searched the entire f block for the class, high and low i searched, sweat all over my body, pants sticking like glue on my leg. i was really scared at that moment , i was like, huh??? where is it? where is it?? (well of course it's mental talking, otherwise ild look like a lunatic), did a u-turn at the stairs near the lab and went to look for it at bloack g,
YAY! there it was haha, i was so relieved. got into the class room, mr Tan was like, well, hows your "drink"?. i kept saying to him that i've lost my way and i highly doubt it he believes me....=(

well, aisha kept poking me with her pencil so i poked her back, we kinda laughed alot concerning about shi hong's odd behaviour....

oh well that's thursday

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

yay!!! today was CCA day! erm ok...? hmm
started off with H1 chem, my group got a chubby and sweaty teacher, he was ok, quit approachable when asking questions, quite clear..hmm
next was GP, kinda forgot to do the homework so i kinda did portions of it during the lesson, but after the warning given out by mr Goh i felt very very guilty.
ate lunch with Wan xin and aedes, talked about ice cream waffles....
well, next we went for a long interesting module for the day, concerning total defence day...da da DA!!!
got a boring and cheeem forum session witht he teachers,
got a pretty enriching talk from NS people, sienzzz i wanna be medic, so fun!! but pretty scared about the poking.....=.="
after another long break....(waste of time), i met up with nadheera at the media club room for my first cca meeting - MEDIA CLUB. well i actually intended to join the science club, but hey, i signed up first mah....
gave some nice activity ideas to the teacher in charge ( miss leong), was quite a nice discussion. im kinda disappointed about having miss chan tho, she is a very cold person... =(

well that's all XD

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hello people, well today was simply...interesting

Physics was the first period, well, the teacher was ok....a lil friendly, got to do sum weird application on the units of stuff. I got lots of careless mistakes..sigh....

after which was chinese, WHICH I TOOK A WHILE TO FIND THE STUPID CLASSROOM, the teacher su lao shi was pretty clear this time and i made new chinese pals yay!!! surprisingly i understood 72% of the text and im really happy about it.

next was well, physic lecture, got a clear view on the topics vector, doozed off for 10 seconds, but it's ok, i woke myself up.

after a brief break, got to project work, which was rather open with Mrs Loh in the breaking up of the group for this year.
got grouped with wan xin, nureen , adam and jared? im a little worried about jared, he should be more open, me and the two girls were pushing him on to talk but he is just shy i guess.... =/
not pretty sure about adam, but i have a good idea of him based on Mrs Loh's description. meeting him tomoro, so i hope he is alright and not mentally ill.

Maths lesson was next, it is being taught by this super duper young guy - Li Yang, which made me thoguht he was adam for a pretty erm...young at heart with the yo and all... well, he made us seat in awkward positions in front of the classroom. as for me i sat on one of the poorly-designed tables, kinda lost the feeling of my right leg after the lesson. almost fell down. I rubbed the whole pins out of my system shortly after that.

after ANOTHER break, i went for art, we did some interesting stuff about modern and impressionistic art works and read a little on nudie fat women (flesh bags). watched a weird documentry about art and thats all.

developed an ache at my neck from staring at the screen up close for likr 3 hours.

well that's tuesday for me zzz, got back home at seven. =p

Monday, February 16, 2009

well, im here to blog again, yay!
well, today was ok, wore my polo tee and paint-stained pants from secondary school.

got to school and had a long boring chinese lesson, althought the teacher was cute and adorable, she went on and on and on and on...

then it was a break where i sat down and talk rubbish to wan xin and yi wen concerning about math.

maths sien today....
GP lesson was kinda awkard, the teacher had this sun-burned look and i have the strange urge to sneeze everytime i look at him...dunno why

at lunch, i went to collect a super duper 10kilo art notes for i dunno, THIS TERM?? oh well...

got pe at like, 3 in the afternoon, Mrs Loh still made us run despite the beckoning shower, got 14:29, kinda sien, also disappointed that girls had 3 mins more than me...argh zzzz

oh well, thats it then.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

hi hi!
well today was super dupa fun!!!
was spending like umm....15min thinking if i should report to school in uniform or PE attire? so hmmm, PE attire then! =p, we're doing dancing anyways...
met up with Chien yi, Chick keon?? as usual.
ok, well got to make some new friends yay!!!!!, 09S028 is a really, REALLY, REALLY lively and friendly bunch! well, all of them except one guy (not saying....not saying...=P) seems very approachable and open!!! yay!!! woohoooo!
first off way the Mass dance! got to pair up with Shi Hong, one of the friendly girls as my dance partner.
Starting off with some moves..i was like, Urgh Urgh, very tired and sien.
but once it's up to the spinning couple moves, i was soooo happy! <- not sarcasm!
Shi Hong was really nice to me, talkin n complaining about the hot weather with me =p,
the dance included some fun moves that left me all high
after which I had to partner up with some guy who is low on his spirits....awww XD
I was showing the happiest of my emotions to him, i even tried to pull and tug him hard on the "couple" segements but he just won't budge!
oh well, after lunch, my class did a series of station gayyyyyymmmmeezzzz!!!
some of the highlights were the water bomb passing game, the Butt-hopping game and the soapy army obstacle course; I had almost fainted, so dizzy!!!!
Then it was WAR GAMES!!!!!
Aquila, Ursa, Leo- the united three all went to hantam Pavo the pwetty birdie clan!
kinda died on the field due to exhaustion but my pals revived me, so i went to whack more water bombs! yay!!
Well, that was all, the whole day was a good chance for me to bond well with my new classmates in JC!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ok, got to school, attended two long n boring talks pertaining about school life.
First up was proposal writing, got some pretty funny lecturer XD, laughed alot haha hoho.well, learnt some interesting topics and techniques... remember - OMBAMA!
Next was some long and boring talk which includes a poorly designed powerpoint with a random inspirational music. =.="
yay! dismissed at 12:30, great news right?????
guess not
Me and my newly aquired kranjian pals wasted a whole 1.5 hours queing up like pigs to the slaughter.
kinda suffocated to death in the front while waiting for the slow service people to sell me some uniform. but alas, they ran out of stock...zzzz
Kinda stoned for a while, made a detour at home to change into sporty outfit.
Oh yea! i took the gracious time to burn some leaves with my magnifying glass!!
well that's not the point, after which i met up with Chien Yi , Dylan , Shafiz? and another guy i don't really know the name to play badminton.;
well, this was my 2.d time in my life to play a game of badminton and it turned out nice =) was a lil shaky at the beginning but i made good progress! yay!!!
Despite being half dead and drained out of my energy which i had intended to save for tommorow, I felt really happy that i got a chance to play a nice sport i hardly knew which some pals, unlike my secondary school years.......=@
well, making use of the money i had for the uniform, i bought myself a nice good old racket, yay! now i can play!
Got home afterwards and got a bath and drank a can of pineapple juice that has this brown chunk in it and im furious...

Monday, February 9, 2009

ok well, today i woke up 70% dead, did not sleep well the whole night.
rocking to and fro.....
Well, same as always boring lectures..
First was maths... General paper with the sadist-cockroach teacher..
kinda had a numb ass at the end of chinese lesson right after that.
Was sitting like a stone for 2 hours straight aaaaaarrrrgh!!!
well, we listened to some interesting stories about traveling from a sweet chinese teacher,
Learnt Precison + accuracy for physics and it had cost me 60% of my life.
Oh and the best part, the cream of the day!
Project work!!!! william chan is soooooo funny!
Well, it's his positive attitude that kept me awake, tehee, just refreshing and entertained, lots of info too =)
well that is all

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ok, this is the first weekend since first day of school!
Hurray finally got some time to relax....and clear my mind.
Played with little miki after her bath.
Mom brought out her bowl of smelly, ugly fruits to pollute the air,
hmm played WoW, wasting 4 hours on failed runs..
hrmph, still no rain, so its pretty dry today.
Settled down for some delicious laksa in the afternoon and did my daily house chores in the morning.
well that is all, nothing much really.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello everybody! im back!
Today would have been the smoothest of the five this week! this is mostly due to the fact that school ended nicely for me at 4:30 pm which gives me ample time to snooze off and get my self a good cat-nap.
Today started off with a refreshing lesson on China studies right after the odd ritual of temperature taking. One thing to note; not only is the lesson enriching in a good way, the room in which I am actually in ,MPR5 gives off that nice lemony aroma produced from the air fresheners. Learnt some interesting info of china and some slapstick jokes and...ya...thats it =p
Right after the brief break, went to Chemistry at the roof top which was an extremely humid experience for me. Time stood incredibly still as my life drained out of me....(its just boring)
For pretty muh the rest of the day, we did some pretty sienz stuff and i suffered about 5 mental breakdowns both from underworking and overworking my head.
Theres PW at one point which removed the large bulk of stress concerning that subject from my shoulders..
Last of which was Art, held by this nice Art teacher who has some good fasion sense and good foundation in make up. We learnt more about visual arts today and guess what, WE GOT TO MAKE SCULPTURES YAY! , grouped into threes, my group thought up of a stimuli : "rabbits dancing in the light" , i did some old-school origami tricks, folded some paper bunnies and made a lamp pole. The other two girls contributed too by supplying ideas and hekping my tape certains parts. YAY!!!! i made new friends in art too! got to talk with the people around me (mostly girls) and saw that they all tend to be a lively bunch.
The fact that i do origami was like, huh, thats cool! which made me smirk.

ending off this post with the sad fact that my left shoe is falling apart.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today , I woke up in the early morning around six,took my normal bath and headed off for school!
Well, since this is my first post, I would just inform you that I have been enrolled to Pioneer Junior College this year! Its very relieveing to see my De La Salle old pals back in the same place, mainly Britannia, Chien Yi etc....
Pioneer would be an extremely fabulous choice as I will be leaving my dark pass behind in secondary school.
Well, enough of that, haha, squeezed into a packed train in the morning, followed the wrong queue to my bus and reached school on time!
Well, met up with Chien Yi and pals in the concourse and proceeded to the hall.
After assembly, we did some rather boring admin stuff. After which its lectures, lectures,lectures!.
First of was GP, the english-content based subject that satan forced us to do, got a pretty mono-tonic lecture from Mr Lim at which point i found him to look rather squishy. My favourite black pen finally gave out on it's ink and died. Rest in peace, my precious. At that time i was 12% dead, so i wasn't listening much.
Next was Physics and ild tell you, man was the lecturess funny. Well, not really, besides supplying us with important knowledge diarrhoea, she speaks in the very comic singlish which seems to catch most of my attention. Got my mind of the prefixes and numbers and headed off to China studies.
China studies was led by a strange pudgy looking man that reminds me of char siew pau, he seems to appeal to me alot as he does succeed in capturing my attention.
Friendly in tone and quite informative too.
Next was all grey stuff, had a long boring break, went for my first math lesson with a poorly-designed video, another long break and went for art. Well, we watched some advertisments and chat about old people wearing some weird clothing.
To my enjoyment I met Britannia my long lost pal from primary school and left the college gates with a large group of people with alot of energy despite the 9 hours spent in school.
went home with a smile, got a bath and died on my bed.
After a while, I got ressurected and typed this post =p