Thursday, February 26, 2009

ah k......
chem was simply normal like always...urgh
Project work lecture, got to watch a video pertaining animal cruelty.
oh yea! and since my class is allocated at the rear end of the auditorium, there's this annoying stereo box at the corner that kept making a noise like "zxzxxxxxxssss-zrgh!!! zxxxxxxssss!!" which made all of us cover our ears. HMM!
Then it was chinese, argh so boring! but Su Lao Shi gave us a self-introduction worksheet for us to do. so i was scribbling away hastily while she was explaining some questions on composition which did not matter much to me.
Yay! also got to rent a locker today! cost me 30 dollars urgh, no sushi buffet for me =(
it also turns out that some of my art class pals are locker neighbours with me too!
esther helped me out a little with the pad lock thing and it was pretty fun!
it went like girg, girg, girg..then chukgn! yay it's opened!
Then it was project work tutorial, grouped up and we discussed stuff with handi-capped people. adam gave us work to do, argh.
Then it was Physics, despite it being a 1.5 hour long dry lesson, our relief teacher, Miss Tan, entertained all of us during physics. hehe she is really funny, interactive also! she also has a strong sense of humor!
then, along the way home, i met up with yi wen, yu jie and chicky, (a weird mix). well, went on to talk stuff bla bla bla...
lol! along the way our math teacher, Li Yang met us in the bus and he went on to annoy yi wen about her name, i was also kinda bugged out, twitching my eyes here and there. ....

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