Wednesday, February 18, 2009

yay!!! today was CCA day! erm ok...? hmm
started off with H1 chem, my group got a chubby and sweaty teacher, he was ok, quit approachable when asking questions, quite clear..hmm
next was GP, kinda forgot to do the homework so i kinda did portions of it during the lesson, but after the warning given out by mr Goh i felt very very guilty.
ate lunch with Wan xin and aedes, talked about ice cream waffles....
well, next we went for a long interesting module for the day, concerning total defence day...da da DA!!!
got a boring and cheeem forum session witht he teachers,
got a pretty enriching talk from NS people, sienzzz i wanna be medic, so fun!! but pretty scared about the poking.....=.="
after another long break....(waste of time), i met up with nadheera at the media club room for my first cca meeting - MEDIA CLUB. well i actually intended to join the science club, but hey, i signed up first mah....
gave some nice activity ideas to the teacher in charge ( miss leong), was quite a nice discussion. im kinda disappointed about having miss chan tho, she is a very cold person... =(

well that's all XD

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