Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today , I woke up in the early morning around six,took my normal bath and headed off for school!
Well, since this is my first post, I would just inform you that I have been enrolled to Pioneer Junior College this year! Its very relieveing to see my De La Salle old pals back in the same place, mainly Britannia, Chien Yi etc....
Pioneer would be an extremely fabulous choice as I will be leaving my dark pass behind in secondary school.
Well, enough of that, haha, squeezed into a packed train in the morning, followed the wrong queue to my bus and reached school on time!
Well, met up with Chien Yi and pals in the concourse and proceeded to the hall.
After assembly, we did some rather boring admin stuff. After which its lectures, lectures,lectures!.
First of was GP, the english-content based subject that satan forced us to do, got a pretty mono-tonic lecture from Mr Lim at which point i found him to look rather squishy. My favourite black pen finally gave out on it's ink and died. Rest in peace, my precious. At that time i was 12% dead, so i wasn't listening much.
Next was Physics and ild tell you, man was the lecturess funny. Well, not really, besides supplying us with important knowledge diarrhoea, she speaks in the very comic singlish which seems to catch most of my attention. Got my mind of the prefixes and numbers and headed off to China studies.
China studies was led by a strange pudgy looking man that reminds me of char siew pau, he seems to appeal to me alot as he does succeed in capturing my attention.
Friendly in tone and quite informative too.
Next was all grey stuff, had a long boring break, went for my first math lesson with a poorly-designed video, another long break and went for art. Well, we watched some advertisments and chat about old people wearing some weird clothing.
To my enjoyment I met Britannia my long lost pal from primary school and left the college gates with a large group of people with alot of energy despite the 9 hours spent in school.
went home with a smile, got a bath and died on my bed.
After a while, I got ressurected and typed this post =p

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