Monday, February 23, 2009

Man!, today was really exhausting.
Got the monday blues in the morning, but i popped a mentos into my mouth and im as happy as a rich man!
first period was chinese ugh, boring as usual.
then physics, did some complicating striaght-line graph theory questions, took me a while to figure it out, aishah kept hitting me with a chunk of black plastic , so i threw my blue pen at her.
Got to have breakfast with yi wen and wan xin as always, nuren and nadheera joined us later on.. we were pretty bored, so wan xin shared with us how to fold a heart and i introduced my double-heart technique! in addition to that, i went on and created one of the hexagon boxes( with cover) that i have learnt from some chinese book.
Well, next was math lecture, ugh, crazy on man just went on and on...
lol, to such an extent that i used the graphic calculator to draw up a portrait of patrick!, took e a while to find the equation for the eyes, but it turned out quite nice, got some people to laugh also =)
anyways, these are the equations to the picture.
y = -(25-x^2)^0.5-10
y = (50-(x^2-15)^2)^0.5+10
y = -[(50-(x^2-15)^2)^0.5]+10
y = -x^2+60
y = (50-(x^2-15)^2))^0.5+20
y = -2(x-15)^2-5
y = -2(x+15)^2-5
y = 15sin(50x)+80

in addition to that,
xmin = -20
xmax = 20
ymin = -50
ymax = 150

(remove grid axis for better effect !)

after which we all went to eat at the canteen together, i took some food and aishah ate her super soggy mee rubus noodles.

met up again for GP, in our grp ive got: Beckham, Shi Hong, Wanxin(again???)and Zhen hong. Zhen hong actually turned out to be a very well read and matured person, totally the opposite of my first impression. got to be ministry of home affairs... sigh...stupid homework...

Then it was PE argh, fortunately, it was raining heavily, but we still had to do pull ups and sit ups, not to mention run around the hall. urgh almost hit my head at the stupid low door way...

well took bus home with ayleen and jared, talked about stuff. hmm thats all.

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