Tuesday, February 24, 2009

harlo people...
k today started with physics, learnt some stuff....did some worksheets zzz...
then it was 1.5 hrs of hell, chinese lesson...urgh. well on the bright side, we sat in an air-con room for that same duration. did some chinese idiom thing, almost slept, fortunately my new chinese-lesson pals kept me awake..
physics lecture was ok...learnt some stuff on kinematics and all, played with the graph function on the calculator and hence lost my attention. Did not catch the large chunk on the sign notations as i was trying to draw a smiley face.
Then it was project work, argh! don't understand what is it all about! im doomed!
adam was really good in the leadership stuff, he talked the bulk. we all gave some ideas but they seem mediocre, to the other groups, so im thinking of it right now... hmmm
Then it was math argh! the super cramp classroom position makes my neck ache and theres this strange musty smell that lingers around the whiteboard, urgh.
Li Yang was all sick and all so his face turned super red every now and then like some traffic light.
then, after the long break, i had my art lesson, clarissa did some nice presentation on gauguin, i took down some notes. hmm, that gaugin sure is a disturbed person, all the super distorted naked woman and the irony of using bright colors to picture "looming death" and all . I just can't appreciate his work....oh well
watched a video on Vincent Van Gogh, another crazy, insane artist with super duper good expressionism painting skills... hmm got home and stroked miki on the tummy, hehehe =)
well, that's all

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