Friday, February 20, 2009

thank goodness its friday..

woke up today with a huge blister on my foot , ouch, nevermind about that, doesn't look obvious..
first it was math, the whole class got to sit in the weird "share circle" formation, which made all of us sit in different awkward positions. unfortunately i sat on the table tops until both my legs went numb. luckily, i got to understand some key principles and theory of differentiation, well took me 3 mins to think, but its rather fun =)
next was pe, sigh....was super duper sunny and hot this morning, jogged 3 laps around the B Ball court above the grandstand and did some pull ups. well, i managed with 1.5, seeing the girls do inclined, i felt jealous...=(
then it was short put, some ball throwing activity. i partnered zhan lun with this, oh yea! he lent me his glue stick for art , thank you!. well, we started off by throwing 4kg balls to markers and marked the readings down. both me and zhan lun did roughly the same, mostly 4metre-ish .
after that, we had a very short break lasting for half an hour..=(,
then it was GP...(my second least fav subject), learnt about critical reading, and it was super duper boring, i just don't want to say about that.
next was a lecture on math, got to learn the application of differentiation in some simple stuff.
then, IT WAS ART! whoohoo, how fun! Mrs Tay taught us the power of 1, 2 and 3 point perspective drawing, i started out shaky much in the sketching, but i got the hold of it in half an hour's time. after helping her pull out a table covered in lizard shit, we got to tear and paste different colored papers onto big sized cartridge papers. With our paper in one hand and our painter's stand thingy, we went to draw the school building in the parade square... in 2 point perspective!.
i did some nice lines and all, but my sweaty hand kept smudging all the pencil marks all over the paper. sigh... everyone tried too, was not bad. lots of annoying people came to look at us, saying" i've tried art before but i...","wha, what do you think they are painting?"...stupid idiots, they kept distracting us.
then after the housekeeping of materials i headed home.
i had a pretty good mood when i came home but unfortunately my super duper ignorant brother pissed me off and demanded me to "oi do your homework" when i took over him while we was eating his undercooked pizza. AND even though he was playing like,umm 8mins before this??? and i was blogging? not even playing. sigh....well life is like that, i study so hard , score better and yet my dad prefers to back my brother who cant get a decent mark on ANY of his subjects... hmmffff oh well =(

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