Monday, March 30, 2009

yay! my sinus congession is finally cleared!
i can breathe much better!
anywho, today is rather...interesting
since i had to wrap my stopid GP file during my break time, i brought along with me a thick stack of colored paper.
first lesson was mother tongue,
well, as always, the teacher went to talk on her lesson.
since it was all bored and all, i began to tear up some pieces of paper and i taught heng li and jesslyn how to fold mini paper shirts, something i learnt from church 5 years ago.
on top of that, i folded a daisy and a crane which helped to entertain me for the entire lesson onwards.
well, next was a break, handed in my pop outs and showed the handbook designs to the HOD of chinese, got some nice and constructive comments and stuff...
lol as usual, yi wen went to listen to our conversasion.
the chinese hod is nice and friendly! just like my mom, really approachable =)
well, after that, it was physics lesson.
since mr tan is not here, we had to settle in a class room high up in heaven. pretty windy and airy.
there wasn't any teacher coming in and we pretty much had all the time to ourselves throughout the entire period. taking the opportunity , i decided to make some announcements to the class about the mural painting. afterwhich, i decided to use the colored paper to teach the class how to fold paper shirts so as to serve as a "notepad" to take down the class roles.
sadly enough, the class apparently does not take aesthetics seriously, was rather disappointed.
some people were like sleeping and complaining about the hot wheather.
maybe its just me, i appreciate any new aesthetic skills to be taught to me, to add to my interest.
my opinion is that some people are not confident at all with what they can create from raw materials. some people on the other hand, went to listen to their mp3 and play with their crads, something which i felt very disheartening.

basically the class does not take aesthetics seriously. well, there are a couple who were interested and listening attentively, rather happy with that.

one additional goal i really which the class should aim for is to be confident in what they produce material wise. "im sure a huge portion of the class will not draw a simple flower and show the rest of the people given the instructions".

the shirt format was taught to me by my church teachers which are very warm hearted and caring, everyone in the crowd at that time were totally enjoying the opportunity to get to create something, not just for themselves, but for their fathers. it was fathers day the following day, thats why.

i had intially wanted to make use of the time to expose the class to some of this warm heartedness, of people going about and teaching others to fold.

i guess the class isnt really serious in this and i will not force the class to do such things again.

on second thought, for the pioneer pallete thing, im pretty sure a huge bulk will draw up their designs as a last minute work.

other than that,
we had a gp test of family,
we had a run along the cannal for pe.
kinda ran with julia , yu jie and valerie, since i was rather lazy, so i kinda blended in with the girls...
thats all

Sunday, March 29, 2009

well, i hate the weekends, true, i will have some time to relax after an exhausting week, however, i will have to face house chores:"vacumming, cleaning, washing dishes" throughout the entire day, and as usual my dad will scold me for every little wrong i do.
well, i do admit that im a rather clumsy and forgettful person, which explains the scolding, but my dad always link one case to another. for example, he scolds me for not bringing the dog down and then he links indirectly and scolds me about my computer addiction....sigh...
well, whats worse is that sometimes when my siblings do some bad stuff with results in him all fuming mad, he scolds me instead.
(brother did not do house chores)
dad: "oi why you did not do house chores, did your brother "not" help you at all?
BRYAN! why you don't help your brother, see he ...bla bla bla......"
i myself, find it totally unreasonable.
but then i can't say my dad is 100% in the wrong, i am part to blame.
however its still unreasonable , fullstop.
well, at friday night, it was totally hot , so i turned on the fan to full blast, but unfortunately for me, i got a stuffed nose and whats worse is that i got a BLOODY sinus congession.
the spray only helps a little, but then my nose became a waterfall for the rest of the weekend till now.
strangely, my sinus congessions beat the hell out of me at the start of the weekends and it disappears when im doing my push up for PE on monday...
whats worse is that , from what ive found out from my mom, is that i am the only person in my family who experiences sinus congessions.
by the way, its the interior infection of the sinus cavity that leads to headaches, leaking nose and lost of taste.
cant, sleep lastnight, woke up at 3am in the morning.
kinda did the macarina to make me sleepy.

on the other hand, i went to work on that pop out card that mrs tay told me to do.
sadly, the images kept popping out of place, STUPID double-sided tape!
did some watercolor work, but i totally suck at it as the brushstrokes were to clear and the pigments were totally not uniform.
so i did some outlining with my 6B pencil that made it look good.
ive decided to build up on the "cheese castle" theme , so i drew up a cartoon of a cheeseman, named "sir mozerella" and stuff.

on sunday, dad doesnt let me play any games , so i was totally pissed off after ive cleaned the * out of my table and rearranged the books. almost fainted in the heat of the afternoon due to the lack of sleep last night.
and i just realised that i still type on the keyboard using my two pointer fingers....
sigh...cant really figure out good typing methods...

anywho, dad scolded me time and time again about a myriad of stuff that ive not done or done incorrectly.

in my opinion, ive figured out that the main reason why i do not socialise that well (in secondary school, not sure about JC) is that my dad always demoralise me everytime i come home in high spirits.

i know that what im typing will ultimately affect him, but im just going to type all of this down so i can look at it 20 years from now.

like i said, i aspire to be a graphic artist in the future and all the art scholarship in the newspaper caught my eye.
SADLY, my dad never encourages my interest in art unlike my mother, instead, he forces me to apply and arrange for scholarships for maths and stuff which are applicable only to A level/university people!

my dad never really supports me in art.
well, one or two times he claps his hands for my artwork and thats it.
he doesnt even know what art competition im currently in and what form of medium im good at.

sigh...i really hate the weekends,
the only thing i ever enjoy is the extended sleeping time for me.

oh yea!
lastly, i went to work on the chinese handbook design for the chinese HOD. tried to put some batik clothwork with modern singaporean skyline, i hope it goes all well...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

first was chem, 1.5hrs of torture, but at least chem is my 3rd fav subject
then half an hour of break...
talked stuff with wan xin as always...
the PW lecture...
was something about the library and how the website is both useful and dangerous...
lolz, throughout the whole lecture i was entertaining myself by imagining him in a banana outfit and singing the "barbie girl" song.

then it was another break, as part of my "acm" scheme, i went to sit and chat with yi wen and yu jie, besides the cafe people. well, just to see how they are and stuff.
did some troublesome math stuff.
then it was possibly PW tutorial, Mrs Loh was a little sick, so she did not talk much.
well, after which our seniors gave us some a lecture on class goals and stuff with i thought to be important.
to add on to their talk, i went on to reward and encourage the class with 6 sticks of mentos.
well, to encourage them to follw julia's sayings and to thank them for wasting their 20mins in the house meeting yesterday.

kinda got a warm thank you, lol i feel so appreciated.
had to enforce a link in my speech to keep the "reflecting" mood in place.
well, next was physics, boring kinematics torture.......stuff.
on the way home i had to return that stupid book my sister asked me to return for her....
sigh......kinda missed the train back home.
got a bandung and then the sky went all "lurm lurm, boooooom!!!!!"
oh ive also went to try the e career thing and i got pretty high in artistic quality =p.

but oh noes! they told me i can be a magazine reporter or something....
pretty far out of my reach....
so much for setting up the website....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

hmm today is wednesday.....lolz
first off was chem,
did a little on redox reaction, kinda confused!
also let Yu Jie and Shi Hong listen to the cute and silly "candy Mountain" cave song =), well sent the file to them.
apparently other people like wan xin and aishah can;t appreciate childish songs, so oh well...
next, was GP
kinda got a long happy-time story from mr Goh about family and stuff..
kinda pretty
he also showed us pic of his family in which looks very lovely and heart warming.
well, he talked abt diff types of family, but apprently my family isnt in an category because we have a demon in the sibling status...sigh...
hehe! did some silly drawings of doodles on the paper, well, since im adapting my own personal cartooning type, besides the manga style in which i totally suck at.

anyways, after that, was a super duper long break.
During that time, Yi wen went to show me n Yu Jie a super funny clip on the simpsons! haha!
on top of that, she went on to show me candy mountain! lolz
well, after the long break and the yummy tuna sandwhich,
it was our CT lesson
sadly, mrs loh isnt present so we had a techer called mr Neo, well he is nice, but he smiles whenever he does not understand what you are talking about.
well, we had our particulars from which i look super duper weird, i had a pop-eye =(
well, nothing about that,
apparently I HAD to take the attendance for the cca meeting this afternoon and i would like to say thank you to the class from abiding my appeal and coming to the venue. well, while we were waiting , i went on to try to play Julia's er hu,
in which case is not like violin at all!!! , the bow can be pressed here and there and the fiddle is stuck in between the two strings which made me freak out and thought i spoiled it somehow.
tried to play the chinese new year songs , but it sounded like dying chicken.
well, julia showed me the correct way and well, its not bad!
although i overly worried that the strings in the fiddle will come out since its so messy and stuff.

argh! so much to do this week, art competition, acm stuff....
well, me and nadheera kinda wasted our 1.5hrs waiting at 3pm for the "cca meeting" in which case was actually next week. well, kinda pissed all of us off...=.="

oh noes! during the cca meeting julia told me that all Cms and acms will have to attend OBS in the holidays, i wasn't prepared for it lol. but fortunately i have been through all those sticky, smelly camping-adventure themed stuff that i have some confidence.
but since i totally suck at all physical activities except badminton, im worried of people laughing at me ...but oh well, tahan-ing the laughter is one key role of leadership....

got home with some mediaclub pals, oh! and we ordered ice cream.
both me and Miu Yuan bought an interesting lime ripple ice ream in which i totally enjoyed...
vanilla in the centre and green stuff on the outside..

well that was all..

Monday, March 23, 2009

ok! this one is for monday!
since its the first day of school this term, i was still in the happy-go-lucky holiday mood, so...well did not listen much...
Pw question was sumthing bout "emergency" and "conservation" , well ild go for conservation then....nothing much about that.
fortunately, we had half an hour of chinese today, in due respect of the Pw stuff, so i got back my compo today! yay! got 33/60, a pass! my first pass in chinese! lol
well, sun lao shi went on to talk about mistakes ...bla bla bla.
after that, me and aisha went to the library to print out the class t shirt designs (they are on my face book)
, booked a computer , but a silly new girl blocked my way...sigh....
ell, after asking the woman-person for help, i got o print my designs..
i really hate technology man...
first i tapped my EZ-link card first, then weird noises started to crop up.
i tried to click the silly button on the screen but it went all spasm-like as my card was on giro.
well, there was some error which scared the hell out of me.
so i asked aishah for assistance, she lent me her card, after a round of confusing statements with the librabrian, the designs came all printed out magically at the printer....oh well, THANK GOD!
for physics, we did some experiment on melting ice cubes and stuff, played with the thermometer for a while....kinda dry...sigh...
after which i showed the class my class t designs, yay! got positive responses,
but need some editing on the color and placement of the names ugh...
luckily i chosed a design that is best suited in pink, in which the entire class had earlier on decided.
Math lecture, super boring, did some simple and stupid doodles with Yi wen, Candy Mountain, spongebob and a boxing gloves hitting the lecturer.
Gp was all ...ok....
Bryan had made us close out eyes and think about our past aspirations.
well, i wanna be an artist at p6, and i wanted to be a graphic designer at sec4.
Pe was dreadful!
a relief teacher made us run timed runs around the track, whihc had made all of us exhausted.....
nothing much,
left school with ayleen and people.
that was all
full stop
in due respect of the "dancing potato" i saw in the museum the other day, i have deployed a potato placed at my book shelf and watch it grow.

ill call it Zhan Lun
well, this is the post for last week's painting class for art lesson.
well, apparently somebody did not want me to use the computer...
well, i woke up around erm....7 30?
kinda got a lil late and reached school at 8 45, i put on my bright yellow shirt , my sandals and some 3-dollar shorts i got from the pasam malam two months ago..
as always, i greeted the uncle at the gate with a polie "good morning", but he showed me that appauled facial expression; oi boy, why are you wearing this?". unfortunately, the school rules was such that we had to be in uniform, sooooo
i did offered to return home and change, but seeing to him that i greeted him like a nice Geisha, he let me through with a warning... well, felt a little guilty, but after all, the uncle is doing his job...=)
got to the art room, kinda waited for 20 minutes for everything to start.
The whole class reported in their home clothings, so i felt pretty settled...
Mrs Tay led us to some weird stallroom in the MPR5 where we took out some stupid heavy paint and stupid heavy groundsheet....aargh

Mrs Tay briefing us on stuff..

heavy 20kg+ stupid ground sheets
well, the paint cans were super heavy and the girls were outside watching us do all the work...urgh!

our "canvases"

"cooking classes", these girls are theaching us how to make Nipon cream soup

"strawberry flavoured paint"

well, before the paint became all creamy and stuff, i had some fun playing with it.

capturing the paint at it's "rubber" moment.

me applying the paint jam on the sad white depressing wall.
sadly i had the deep maroon color, its very easy to develope cracks....urgh

well, silly joycelin spilled a whole puddle of light blue paint on the floor, i helped out in scrubbing the corruption from the floor.
spelt like thinner for thw rest of the day.
after 4 hours of agonizing tiring painting, and 4 hours of seeing red, i left with joycelin, nicole , jasmine and esther to eat at mos burger.

i ordered the silly kiage burger and all i got was a rice burger the size of my palm which tasted a little like potato...
we talked bout stuff but then they went on to those girl conversations...
i left immediately.

well, the painting was super fun, had red bloches all over my left side, fun, but super duper tiring!

Friday, March 13, 2009

now ill talk about friday, wow! it was sure fun!
first off, it was Li Yang's last leson with us, since he is a relief teacher and all.
so, we did a silly math test with 2 questions first and we proceeded on to the "farewell teacher " routine,
of class photos and stuff...

Li Yang giving us his final words...
well, will really miss him alot.....oh well =(
next off, was PE!
started off with a lap around the track, then we proceeded to do high jump!
as usual, all the girls sat down and relaxed like ah ma while we guys had to perform for them....
people like jared, shawn and sofi did the high jumps very easily, really not bad, whilist semi vegetable people like me and xin lin often hit the pole down and had to pick it up again.
first, there was russian style, scissors style and the easiest flossberry flop(sounds like icecream). Despite the stupid hot wheather satan gave us, we went on to do the activity.... seeing to it that i failed a few times, i tried a diff technique of hopping as i get close to the pole, but it proofed to be useless.....=(
the girls were laughing at me anyway...
but!!! they were not as good as us guys anyway...
quite fun it was my first time!
then, due to some miscommunications, we did not help Yi Chao to keep the equipment and we got an angry lecture from Julia as punishment....really regretted that...=(
for Gp we discussed about the idiotic test paper that i scored 15 out of 30..
then for math lecture, well....nothing there.
ah k, for art today we went to the Singapore art museum to do a weird drawing competition..

on the bus...

Mrs Tay gave us snacks, yay!

well, just to let you know, i do not appreciate all contemporary art, i only like comtemporary artwork that posseses good flow ,ryhthm and "likeable" medium, other than that, i dislike others.

about this particular one, i personally called it "dancing potato"!
i really love this one, the artist has a flair for soft and squishy items , but he like to interprete it through vigorous dancing!
on top of that, the video is just soooooo interesting! the music behid it was "shame on you, shame on you.." and the person in the "potato" suit was dancing without a care for the lack of oxygen in the squishy thing.
I was like dancing to the rythmn lolz!
afterwhich, we did our drawings, i drew the one of the table with the stuff on it, enlarged some areas to interprete my design.... hmm
for the first 15 mins i was impressed by the mood of the gallery, nice aircon, good setting, very sensual...
but after 2 hours, i was about to go breaking point! the music were repitive and horrible! it was a mix of random phone conversations, vehicles, horns, music instruments... in addition to that, the lights of red, green adn white were flickering on and off , on and off!!!!
i was almost driven mad...
i guess their real intention was to highlight "glow" of the artworks in such a confusing and irritating atmosphere....added effect.
well, that was all, next , it was my media club "camp"!
quicly changed into my shorts and dark shirt and played captain's ball with my new cca friends..
me, being tall as always had the added advantage of launching balls at a high altitude, so the "goaler" will be able to catch it. really interesting! lots of teamwork and peope laughing around about the occasional funny stuff. the J2s had the added advantage of being more experienced than us, so they cruised through the match , giving us no mercy.
but the points doesn't matter, its only for fun anyway=)
then, they went on to play hand ball, which i refused as i did not want to take the risk of smashing my spectacles...
so, vera handed me a net ball and a hoop thingy to play with. He he, was rather interesting since i am a tall person.
afterwhich i got bored, so i watched Su Yi and nadheera at the piano. she did some nice melodies too.... hmm
then it was "the amazing race", we were all given photos as clues to our destinations....
they included the area behind the school, the garden part and the area outside LT4 , they included some activities of code breaking, where we got drenched by cold water, scavenger hunt, where we took various objects and doing twister! i of course started off to be the leader, but then i was covered in chalk dust once i got replaced...
then last of all, was the dinner we chatt alot and stuff, Miss chan and leong gave us their speeches and we played with mrs Leong's dog, so cute! only 4 months old!
after which, the place got all dark and creepy , so i went home with Stephanie, anna, nadheerah ....ya.....really exhausting lol
ok, on thursday,
well, there wasn't really much that happened on thursday,
but the main highlight was Zhen Hong's fairwell party!!!
well, julia told the class to contribute for a nice chocolate ice cream cake!
well, heres some pictures...

us stoning in dire wait for the cake + Julia

me and my pals...sigh i hate wearing spectacles.

adam giving out cake.

someone pulled zhan lun's pants down...

valerie and yu jie..

me levitating over the table..

Zhen Hong is loving the cake.....and the cake loves him

Zhen Hong conducting sacrificial ceremony on cake

Me and Zhen Hong

my share of small =(

well, that is all

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ITs thursday! cha cha cha!
chem, first period, learnt how to balance redox reaction using the very chim method...
argh! next was PW,
zhan lun's group did a presentation,
well, the lesson was conducted in the container classroom.
so, yes, it was really relaxing.
faisal as always, did his best to drive mr. boring away from the room.
after the break, and after a nice snack of chicken brushchetta,
i settled for chinese.
nothing much
then it was PW again,
did some presentation on bio engineer,
forunately Mrs Loh thought it was innovative -like.
then faisal's group came up, since faisal was as quiet as a baby during our presentation, my group hardly did ask any question.
faisal's group did something on scanning of cards in other countries and as always, adam helped out with their group. oh well... =/
pretty disappointed , really hoped that he can be as enthusiastic about his own group.
then, after physics,
Mrs Loh crowned me ACM!
pretty happy and also pretty anxious, never really taken up any leadership roles in my life before...
although i felt that ACM should have belonged to Ayleen, glenn, yu jie, Mrs Loh picked me since i really really require a spot for my testimonial.
but any who, S28, ill really really really REALLY try my best in making your time here in this class to be enjoyable!
ill design the class t by the march holidays...
hmm, well, just hope that i will be a good CSM and not a slack one...
well, after school, went home with jane, yi wen, nadheera and some people from my class...
when i got up to the bus my head kept scraping the air con eimmitters and it was extremely uncomfortable since i am a tall person. On the pther hand, the close air con comfort is extremely delightful in this tropical heat of singapore i am currently living in.

la la la la la la

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

today is tuesday!

first was physics. nothing interesting happens

next was mother tongue. nothing interesting happens

then it was physics lecture. please try again,

then it was a whole lesson on project work,
shi hong's group did an interesting presentation,
lots of hoo haa during that period....hmmm

then it was math,
had to sit in front of the class again...
im like 30 cm from the whiteboard, my neck aches......sigh...

then it was art!
did my presentation on the artist cezanne,
kinda stumbled in the first part,
but carried on after that.
there was this silence tho...
also watched a strange video on "tropical life"(painting), where there was this short annoying woman who kept saying "wake up! wake up!" on and on and on.....
she needs a chill pill!
well, got a little shock from seeing the faceless ugly boy....
yea, thats all for today...

Monday, March 9, 2009

well , speaking of that time i went to swimm on that hot sunday...

this is the place that i swim every sunday =)

more pictures....

oh yea! since i have been quite a camera-shy person in the past,
i have figured out that i should really take some pictures of myself in random modes...
(cam whore)
cuz, well, all my hair will be gone in 2 years time and i might as well spend my last 2 years of youth with good hair taking some pictures to serve as a reminder..
i wont regret!

well, here it is

well, i took it at the pool and there was this fat boy who fell down on the floor in front of me, crying and all.
i felt it quite funny since the boy was all annoying and all. so i smiled a little =p
oh yea! this is taken today, (monday)
my super duper sien face after the long stupid boring day.
after all those PE activities and the chinese lesson....

oh and i do feel that i look better without glasses and i look like a pondan and nerd-like when i smile, so ill show the neutral face i always show => :|

yay i have survived monday!

and i have finally figured out how to apply color to my text!

k, nevermind about that,
first was chinese, stupid boring chinese lesson...
2 girls pwned their classes and i felt jealous...=(
well, wasted like 1.5hrs of my life at that dull room.
then i met mrs tay at the art studio to get a recycled piece of square canvas.
apparently , the previous owner did not like the canvas and so, dirtied it with weird drawings.
took me a while to paint it off with white acrylic paint.
but OH NO! the stupid black marker lines just keeps creeping through the thick white paint.
im dead sigh...
next was physics practical, we did some spring experiment,
got a pretty straight line.
copied the notes till my hand went numb...ugh
after that was math lecture loi.
the teacher, as usual was all boring and all, loi.
well took me a very long time to figure out, loi. the machlorine's series; loi
sigh...really worried about my a levels now....loi
then, after the short break loi, we went to GP lesson.
kinda listened to some boring stories which do not concern me at all...
drew a skeleton out of red crayon...
did some test with SUPER small space for writing.
kinda lost my confidence in that thing...
ugh....idiotic GP, i'ld rather learn indian bhangra dance.
then it was pe....

hmm raining, good sign?
mrs loh kept on smiling and tilted her head...
she made us (the boys) do a variety of exhausting excercises...but at least it wasn't running...
first was jumping jacks, where zhan lun kept screwing us up...
then it was a series of push up,
crunches ( butt pain)
diamond push up (arm pain)
and the invisible chair-wall thing (butt pain again)
then, ending off with some step up- step down thing with ass dips .
really felt half dead in the end of the day.
then, met up with wan xin, ayleen yu jie and gang to the bus stop.
talked about stuff bla bla bla bla ...
well thats all.

then, adorable miki kept scratching me with her claws, so PAINFUL!
i think i got a cut somewhere.
its time to cut her claws....hmm!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

well today,
started the day with my violin, printed out some music sheets
hehe so nice and adorable,
also got the tunes for harmony in runescape and a cute jamaican mango song.
well , then i went swimming in the swimming complex, a few laps, met Bryan Chia there too, haha
got to eat some weird noodles and super good oyster omelette with my mom and idiotic brother.
thats all bye

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hi ppl,
today well....
chem boring
Learnt some pleasurism for PW lecture today, was really "high" after the nice music video, but my mood totally changed when the ugly baldie woman scolded us.
then chinese, lagi worst.
PW lesson ah....
well, our group (adam, wan xin, jared and nuren) did the presentation first , about handicappies.
i did the exhausting task of clicking in sync while, wan xin and adam did the presentation.
pretty tiring after the long first half of the day hmm.
oh next was a presentation by yi wen's group on lifts!
hehe so funny!
oh no! then it was physics...
really really dry at the first hour into the lesson,
i took my whiteboard marker, drew two eyes on my hand and took aishah's pink marker to draw a silly face. i was like "mmmmm mummmm mummmm!" to nadheera and aishah, which made them laugh also. for shi hong and yu jie, they were like "ok?????".
well thats all, and the pink is still on my hand after bathing...oh well.
oh yea! when i reached home, i went on to design a sandwhich logo which i actually intended for the "good news cafe", well just for fun. pretty cute eh?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

nothing much today, too boring...=(

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

oh hi!
well like i said a few days ago, we did some fun perspective drawing, well here are the pictures!!!

this is the stage where we ripped and tore lots of colorful paper and pasted them SMACK on the catridge paper.
got a few paper cuts tho =(

here is the building that we started to draw on.
as you can see, its pretty dark and its going to rain.
good ventilation lol! oh yea our boards kept falling and one time it smacked my forehead hard.
by the way, the person at the bottom of the pic is esther, one of my art pals.

all of us were using the long rulers to draw...ugh pencil smudges everywhere!!!!

here is me XD, im concentrating super hard at the angles and the irritating railings on the buildings.

Tada! heres my completed work after cleaning up, erasing the stupid smudges and spraying fixative on it. rather satisfied =)
pretty happy that it isnt slanted or something.
today well, it was tuesday.
got to learn some dull graph stuff for physics.
stoned for like 1 hour for boring chinese...
almost dropped dead at the projectile motion part in physics lecture...
pretty boring =(
then, went to PW class.
Zhan Lun's group did a study on toilets, lol.
Aisha's group did theirs on air pollution.
pretty good =), but the class sure loves to ask questions.
then it was math....learn graph sketching sigh....
well, really really boring day.
unfortunately, Mrs Tay was absent so we did not have any art lesson. so i handed up my stuff in the pigeon hole...ugh so dull!
then, silly wan xin went to lot 1 to waste 30 min there, while poor me had to complete the PW presentation... im so exhausted!
well, adam came and talked abit till we had to go take our photos...
well, took off my specs and gave a smirk =/
that's all, till faisal went all care-bear like, so i gave him a hug . lol?
thats all

Monday, March 2, 2009

well, this is all about the class outing at sat.... sorry for blogging about it sooooo late =(

woke up as always, with dad naging and scolding me again.
well, wore my ill-fitting jeans and some random shirt i got from pasam malam for 3 dollars and i headed off to yew tee to have lunch.
ordered some pork and fried fish thing which was ok....
then, got to Plaza singapura on the stupid , stuffy 190 bus.
oh yea! i've also met my sec 4 junior , mathias from scouts, chat lots on scouts and i gave him some advice on his acadamic future. (he wants to go JC)
umm ok, then....
went in limbo state once i got to the area, don't know what to do,
so i saw this weird fish exibition thing, then whoa!
i met aisha, shi hong and glenn in pretty mode!
after which, i caught up with wan xin, jared , nureen and adam. faisal also..
everyone except me, =(, looked super good and more refreshing, as compared to the dull uniform we are forced to wear day after day.
then, we settled at a near by cafe which served super duper expensive coffee drinks.
oh my god! each was like 7 dollars minimum, i can buy like 4 nasi lemaks from that! , it was like as if they contained gold bars or something.
despite me having 30 dollars, i resisted since it was my ang pao money.
adam gave us some insights and we did some points for our PW about handicap (vege) people.
well, jared did not talk much, but he contributed with some notes of his.
after which we all got sidetracked and adam did some pretty interesting magic tricks. non-poker card savvy people like me and aisha could not really keep up with his performance, but nonetheless it went pretty good!
then, faisal got a mental block , and he wanted to carry my crumpler, so ok.
after wanxin footed the super duper big bill for the brown stuff in a cup, we got to the venue to get ready for the show.
sadly, julia, ayleen , hazis, zhan lun and jia nan were a little late so we went in later.
fortunately the stupid useless advertisments lasted a whole 20 mins.
"slumdog millionaire" the show, was really entertaining.
i bought like 2 cheap peanut containers for snack during the movie. kinda pissed off when faisal passed me my pencil box and green file during the movie? maybe he is analysing it or something???
anyways, the show was really unique, a collage of poor quality filming collected to form a splendid show, with drama, some comedy and one or two scenes of horror.
not bad, not bad, except the fact that zhan lun kept saying "hi bryan, hi bryan, hi bryan" on and on and on.... well, i ignored him by shoving a peanut in my right ear, which in fact made my ear all sandy after the first portion of the show.
jia nan did not get a sit, so all the girls in the center(luckily, skinny girls) squeezed in for jia nan to sit.
well, after the show, faisal gave me back my crumpler, yay!
was like possesed after steping out of the theatre, due to the light.
anyways, we took a nice group pic.=)

by the way, im 3rd boy from the right who looks kinda like a cross between a filipino slave and a vietnamese scholar. i really need a personal stylist...and i should get contacts... sigh...
heres another pic

oh yea, photos are from glenn, so thank him =)
oh and while browsing through i would like t explain this pic,

im the person squeezing my eyes next to the woman person who has her eyes closed.
oh yea! this was at the time of our orientation, so we did not kno much of each other.
well, the two girls in front are aisha and wan xin,
apparently aisha's ponytail kept flinging and hitting wan xin everytime she turns to talk to me.
yi wen, the girl next to me, kept holding my hand and made me poke jia nan(the guy in front) . i smacked her face, after that of course =p
oh yea! a good lo of people are staring at the sky because our house leader, (dunno who), was all action and was like standing on the top of the monkey bars. so , with the background of the sky and all, he looked pretty much like a piece of sploggy shit ( no offence)
today, woke us with a bad tummy, so visited the toilet for 2 times in the morning.
first was chinese, boring.
next was physics pract, we did a oscilating pendulum bob experiment from which i found out i screwed up in the sig figures 40 min into the experiment...sigh....
luckily, Ayleen was next to me to give me pointers.

Then it was math lecture, "the man" taught us parametic curve equations...blablabla
sat next to yi wen and yu jie.
then it was a break, where adam and zhan lun went up to speak =)
our class were like woohoooo!!!!, while other people were concentrating on finishing their food. adam and zhan lun both delivered their speech, and i wish them all the best!.
Oh no! then there was GP! 89% of the class sorta did not do their homework, so my group will just have to rely on hong jie(beckham)'s and shi hong's work. fortunately, shi hong took the effort to type the entire essay on her laptop, so our group will be able to highlight the important portions of the argumentative essay.
then....sigh... got to PE lesson.
after wasting 7 min of my life running around the track, we did some long jump thing.
i kinda did not get what mrs loh was saying about the left and right foot, so i ga ga 11 steps for me, by pasting that tape at the side of the running track.
sofi went, patrick went, zhan lun went..etc then it was me!
kinda hesitated awhile, with all the people staring at me, then i took off.
i went like "boing" "boing" on the track and poof i landed on the disgusting sand pit. a little disappointed that i over shot by 1 foot, but nonetheless im quite happy i took the effort to participate =)
distance whise, im a little short of the average,
the wheather was super hot...
oh yea! there was this new girl from sze chuan as an exchange student! she was pretty nice and honest about singapore's hot wheather, pretty shy and soft tho.
lol and she was brave enough to wear long sleeves in this humid and hot weather at PE lesson.
Mrs loh was like, "bye bye", and we all were like "sssh we are clearing the sand from our feet!".
unfortunately, our class mistook the venue and time for our phototaking slot, which resulted in Li Yang (math teacher) being super mad.
did some math quiz of 2 questions which were quite easy and straight forward.
well, that's all.