Monday, March 9, 2009

well , speaking of that time i went to swimm on that hot sunday...

this is the place that i swim every sunday =)

more pictures....

oh yea! since i have been quite a camera-shy person in the past,
i have figured out that i should really take some pictures of myself in random modes...
(cam whore)
cuz, well, all my hair will be gone in 2 years time and i might as well spend my last 2 years of youth with good hair taking some pictures to serve as a reminder..
i wont regret!

well, here it is

well, i took it at the pool and there was this fat boy who fell down on the floor in front of me, crying and all.
i felt it quite funny since the boy was all annoying and all. so i smiled a little =p
oh yea! this is taken today, (monday)
my super duper sien face after the long stupid boring day.
after all those PE activities and the chinese lesson....

oh and i do feel that i look better without glasses and i look like a pondan and nerd-like when i smile, so ill show the neutral face i always show => :|

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