Tuesday, March 10, 2009

today is tuesday!

first was physics. nothing interesting happens

next was mother tongue. nothing interesting happens

then it was physics lecture. please try again,

then it was a whole lesson on project work,
shi hong's group did an interesting presentation,
lots of hoo haa during that period....hmmm

then it was math,
had to sit in front of the class again...
im like 30 cm from the whiteboard, my neck aches......sigh...

then it was art!
did my presentation on the artist cezanne,
kinda stumbled in the first part,
but carried on after that.
there was this silence tho...
also watched a strange video on "tropical life"(painting), where there was this short annoying woman who kept saying "wake up! wake up!" on and on and on.....
she needs a chill pill!
well, got a little shock from seeing the faceless ugly boy....
yea, thats all for today...

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