Monday, March 9, 2009

yay i have survived monday!

and i have finally figured out how to apply color to my text!

k, nevermind about that,
first was chinese, stupid boring chinese lesson...
2 girls pwned their classes and i felt jealous...=(
well, wasted like 1.5hrs of my life at that dull room.
then i met mrs tay at the art studio to get a recycled piece of square canvas.
apparently , the previous owner did not like the canvas and so, dirtied it with weird drawings.
took me a while to paint it off with white acrylic paint.
but OH NO! the stupid black marker lines just keeps creeping through the thick white paint.
im dead sigh...
next was physics practical, we did some spring experiment,
got a pretty straight line.
copied the notes till my hand went numb...ugh
after that was math lecture loi.
the teacher, as usual was all boring and all, loi.
well took me a very long time to figure out, loi. the machlorine's series; loi
sigh...really worried about my a levels now....loi
then, after the short break loi, we went to GP lesson.
kinda listened to some boring stories which do not concern me at all...
drew a skeleton out of red crayon...
did some test with SUPER small space for writing.
kinda lost my confidence in that thing...
ugh....idiotic GP, i'ld rather learn indian bhangra dance.
then it was pe....

hmm raining, good sign?
mrs loh kept on smiling and tilted her head...
she made us (the boys) do a variety of exhausting excercises...but at least it wasn't running...
first was jumping jacks, where zhan lun kept screwing us up...
then it was a series of push up,
crunches ( butt pain)
diamond push up (arm pain)
and the invisible chair-wall thing (butt pain again)
then, ending off with some step up- step down thing with ass dips .
really felt half dead in the end of the day.
then, met up with wan xin, ayleen yu jie and gang to the bus stop.
talked about stuff bla bla bla bla ...
well thats all.

then, adorable miki kept scratching me with her claws, so PAINFUL!
i think i got a cut somewhere.
its time to cut her claws....hmm!

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