Monday, March 2, 2009

today, woke us with a bad tummy, so visited the toilet for 2 times in the morning.
first was chinese, boring.
next was physics pract, we did a oscilating pendulum bob experiment from which i found out i screwed up in the sig figures 40 min into the experiment...sigh....
luckily, Ayleen was next to me to give me pointers.

Then it was math lecture, "the man" taught us parametic curve equations...blablabla
sat next to yi wen and yu jie.
then it was a break, where adam and zhan lun went up to speak =)
our class were like woohoooo!!!!, while other people were concentrating on finishing their food. adam and zhan lun both delivered their speech, and i wish them all the best!.
Oh no! then there was GP! 89% of the class sorta did not do their homework, so my group will just have to rely on hong jie(beckham)'s and shi hong's work. fortunately, shi hong took the effort to type the entire essay on her laptop, so our group will be able to highlight the important portions of the argumentative essay.
then....sigh... got to PE lesson.
after wasting 7 min of my life running around the track, we did some long jump thing.
i kinda did not get what mrs loh was saying about the left and right foot, so i ga ga 11 steps for me, by pasting that tape at the side of the running track.
sofi went, patrick went, zhan lun went..etc then it was me!
kinda hesitated awhile, with all the people staring at me, then i took off.
i went like "boing" "boing" on the track and poof i landed on the disgusting sand pit. a little disappointed that i over shot by 1 foot, but nonetheless im quite happy i took the effort to participate =)
distance whise, im a little short of the average,
the wheather was super hot...
oh yea! there was this new girl from sze chuan as an exchange student! she was pretty nice and honest about singapore's hot wheather, pretty shy and soft tho.
lol and she was brave enough to wear long sleeves in this humid and hot weather at PE lesson.
Mrs loh was like, "bye bye", and we all were like "sssh we are clearing the sand from our feet!".
unfortunately, our class mistook the venue and time for our phototaking slot, which resulted in Li Yang (math teacher) being super mad.
did some math quiz of 2 questions which were quite easy and straight forward.
well, that's all.

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