Monday, March 2, 2009

well, this is all about the class outing at sat.... sorry for blogging about it sooooo late =(

woke up as always, with dad naging and scolding me again.
well, wore my ill-fitting jeans and some random shirt i got from pasam malam for 3 dollars and i headed off to yew tee to have lunch.
ordered some pork and fried fish thing which was ok....
then, got to Plaza singapura on the stupid , stuffy 190 bus.
oh yea! i've also met my sec 4 junior , mathias from scouts, chat lots on scouts and i gave him some advice on his acadamic future. (he wants to go JC)
umm ok, then....
went in limbo state once i got to the area, don't know what to do,
so i saw this weird fish exibition thing, then whoa!
i met aisha, shi hong and glenn in pretty mode!
after which, i caught up with wan xin, jared , nureen and adam. faisal also..
everyone except me, =(, looked super good and more refreshing, as compared to the dull uniform we are forced to wear day after day.
then, we settled at a near by cafe which served super duper expensive coffee drinks.
oh my god! each was like 7 dollars minimum, i can buy like 4 nasi lemaks from that! , it was like as if they contained gold bars or something.
despite me having 30 dollars, i resisted since it was my ang pao money.
adam gave us some insights and we did some points for our PW about handicap (vege) people.
well, jared did not talk much, but he contributed with some notes of his.
after which we all got sidetracked and adam did some pretty interesting magic tricks. non-poker card savvy people like me and aisha could not really keep up with his performance, but nonetheless it went pretty good!
then, faisal got a mental block , and he wanted to carry my crumpler, so ok.
after wanxin footed the super duper big bill for the brown stuff in a cup, we got to the venue to get ready for the show.
sadly, julia, ayleen , hazis, zhan lun and jia nan were a little late so we went in later.
fortunately the stupid useless advertisments lasted a whole 20 mins.
"slumdog millionaire" the show, was really entertaining.
i bought like 2 cheap peanut containers for snack during the movie. kinda pissed off when faisal passed me my pencil box and green file during the movie? maybe he is analysing it or something???
anyways, the show was really unique, a collage of poor quality filming collected to form a splendid show, with drama, some comedy and one or two scenes of horror.
not bad, not bad, except the fact that zhan lun kept saying "hi bryan, hi bryan, hi bryan" on and on and on.... well, i ignored him by shoving a peanut in my right ear, which in fact made my ear all sandy after the first portion of the show.
jia nan did not get a sit, so all the girls in the center(luckily, skinny girls) squeezed in for jia nan to sit.
well, after the show, faisal gave me back my crumpler, yay!
was like possesed after steping out of the theatre, due to the light.
anyways, we took a nice group pic.=)

by the way, im 3rd boy from the right who looks kinda like a cross between a filipino slave and a vietnamese scholar. i really need a personal stylist...and i should get contacts... sigh...
heres another pic

oh yea, photos are from glenn, so thank him =)
oh and while browsing through i would like t explain this pic,

im the person squeezing my eyes next to the woman person who has her eyes closed.
oh yea! this was at the time of our orientation, so we did not kno much of each other.
well, the two girls in front are aisha and wan xin,
apparently aisha's ponytail kept flinging and hitting wan xin everytime she turns to talk to me.
yi wen, the girl next to me, kept holding my hand and made me poke jia nan(the guy in front) . i smacked her face, after that of course =p
oh yea! a good lo of people are staring at the sky because our house leader, (dunno who), was all action and was like standing on the top of the monkey bars. so , with the background of the sky and all, he looked pretty much like a piece of sploggy shit ( no offence)

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