Tuesday, March 3, 2009

oh hi!
well like i said a few days ago, we did some fun perspective drawing, well here are the pictures!!!

this is the stage where we ripped and tore lots of colorful paper and pasted them SMACK on the catridge paper.
got a few paper cuts tho =(

here is the building that we started to draw on.
as you can see, its pretty dark and its going to rain.
good ventilation lol! oh yea our boards kept falling and one time it smacked my forehead hard.
by the way, the person at the bottom of the pic is esther, one of my art pals.

all of us were using the long rulers to draw...ugh pencil smudges everywhere!!!!

here is me XD, im concentrating super hard at the angles and the irritating railings on the buildings.

Tada! heres my completed work after cleaning up, erasing the stupid smudges and spraying fixative on it. rather satisfied =)
pretty happy that it isnt slanted or something.

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