Sunday, March 29, 2009

well, i hate the weekends, true, i will have some time to relax after an exhausting week, however, i will have to face house chores:"vacumming, cleaning, washing dishes" throughout the entire day, and as usual my dad will scold me for every little wrong i do.
well, i do admit that im a rather clumsy and forgettful person, which explains the scolding, but my dad always link one case to another. for example, he scolds me for not bringing the dog down and then he links indirectly and scolds me about my computer addiction....sigh...
well, whats worse is that sometimes when my siblings do some bad stuff with results in him all fuming mad, he scolds me instead.
(brother did not do house chores)
dad: "oi why you did not do house chores, did your brother "not" help you at all?
BRYAN! why you don't help your brother, see he ...bla bla bla......"
i myself, find it totally unreasonable.
but then i can't say my dad is 100% in the wrong, i am part to blame.
however its still unreasonable , fullstop.
well, at friday night, it was totally hot , so i turned on the fan to full blast, but unfortunately for me, i got a stuffed nose and whats worse is that i got a BLOODY sinus congession.
the spray only helps a little, but then my nose became a waterfall for the rest of the weekend till now.
strangely, my sinus congessions beat the hell out of me at the start of the weekends and it disappears when im doing my push up for PE on monday...
whats worse is that , from what ive found out from my mom, is that i am the only person in my family who experiences sinus congessions.
by the way, its the interior infection of the sinus cavity that leads to headaches, leaking nose and lost of taste.
cant, sleep lastnight, woke up at 3am in the morning.
kinda did the macarina to make me sleepy.

on the other hand, i went to work on that pop out card that mrs tay told me to do.
sadly, the images kept popping out of place, STUPID double-sided tape!
did some watercolor work, but i totally suck at it as the brushstrokes were to clear and the pigments were totally not uniform.
so i did some outlining with my 6B pencil that made it look good.
ive decided to build up on the "cheese castle" theme , so i drew up a cartoon of a cheeseman, named "sir mozerella" and stuff.

on sunday, dad doesnt let me play any games , so i was totally pissed off after ive cleaned the * out of my table and rearranged the books. almost fainted in the heat of the afternoon due to the lack of sleep last night.
and i just realised that i still type on the keyboard using my two pointer fingers....
sigh...cant really figure out good typing methods...

anywho, dad scolded me time and time again about a myriad of stuff that ive not done or done incorrectly.

in my opinion, ive figured out that the main reason why i do not socialise that well (in secondary school, not sure about JC) is that my dad always demoralise me everytime i come home in high spirits.

i know that what im typing will ultimately affect him, but im just going to type all of this down so i can look at it 20 years from now.

like i said, i aspire to be a graphic artist in the future and all the art scholarship in the newspaper caught my eye.
SADLY, my dad never encourages my interest in art unlike my mother, instead, he forces me to apply and arrange for scholarships for maths and stuff which are applicable only to A level/university people!

my dad never really supports me in art.
well, one or two times he claps his hands for my artwork and thats it.
he doesnt even know what art competition im currently in and what form of medium im good at.

sigh...i really hate the weekends,
the only thing i ever enjoy is the extended sleeping time for me.

oh yea!
lastly, i went to work on the chinese handbook design for the chinese HOD. tried to put some batik clothwork with modern singaporean skyline, i hope it goes all well...

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