Friday, March 13, 2009

now ill talk about friday, wow! it was sure fun!
first off, it was Li Yang's last leson with us, since he is a relief teacher and all.
so, we did a silly math test with 2 questions first and we proceeded on to the "farewell teacher " routine,
of class photos and stuff...

Li Yang giving us his final words...
well, will really miss him alot.....oh well =(
next off, was PE!
started off with a lap around the track, then we proceeded to do high jump!
as usual, all the girls sat down and relaxed like ah ma while we guys had to perform for them....
people like jared, shawn and sofi did the high jumps very easily, really not bad, whilist semi vegetable people like me and xin lin often hit the pole down and had to pick it up again.
first, there was russian style, scissors style and the easiest flossberry flop(sounds like icecream). Despite the stupid hot wheather satan gave us, we went on to do the activity.... seeing to it that i failed a few times, i tried a diff technique of hopping as i get close to the pole, but it proofed to be useless.....=(
the girls were laughing at me anyway...
but!!! they were not as good as us guys anyway...
quite fun it was my first time!
then, due to some miscommunications, we did not help Yi Chao to keep the equipment and we got an angry lecture from Julia as punishment....really regretted that...=(
for Gp we discussed about the idiotic test paper that i scored 15 out of 30..
then for math lecture, well....nothing there.
ah k, for art today we went to the Singapore art museum to do a weird drawing competition..

on the bus...

Mrs Tay gave us snacks, yay!

well, just to let you know, i do not appreciate all contemporary art, i only like comtemporary artwork that posseses good flow ,ryhthm and "likeable" medium, other than that, i dislike others.

about this particular one, i personally called it "dancing potato"!
i really love this one, the artist has a flair for soft and squishy items , but he like to interprete it through vigorous dancing!
on top of that, the video is just soooooo interesting! the music behid it was "shame on you, shame on you.." and the person in the "potato" suit was dancing without a care for the lack of oxygen in the squishy thing.
I was like dancing to the rythmn lolz!
afterwhich, we did our drawings, i drew the one of the table with the stuff on it, enlarged some areas to interprete my design.... hmm
for the first 15 mins i was impressed by the mood of the gallery, nice aircon, good setting, very sensual...
but after 2 hours, i was about to go breaking point! the music were repitive and horrible! it was a mix of random phone conversations, vehicles, horns, music instruments... in addition to that, the lights of red, green adn white were flickering on and off , on and off!!!!
i was almost driven mad...
i guess their real intention was to highlight "glow" of the artworks in such a confusing and irritating atmosphere....added effect.
well, that was all, next , it was my media club "camp"!
quicly changed into my shorts and dark shirt and played captain's ball with my new cca friends..
me, being tall as always had the added advantage of launching balls at a high altitude, so the "goaler" will be able to catch it. really interesting! lots of teamwork and peope laughing around about the occasional funny stuff. the J2s had the added advantage of being more experienced than us, so they cruised through the match , giving us no mercy.
but the points doesn't matter, its only for fun anyway=)
then, they went on to play hand ball, which i refused as i did not want to take the risk of smashing my spectacles...
so, vera handed me a net ball and a hoop thingy to play with. He he, was rather interesting since i am a tall person.
afterwhich i got bored, so i watched Su Yi and nadheera at the piano. she did some nice melodies too.... hmm
then it was "the amazing race", we were all given photos as clues to our destinations....
they included the area behind the school, the garden part and the area outside LT4 , they included some activities of code breaking, where we got drenched by cold water, scavenger hunt, where we took various objects and doing twister! i of course started off to be the leader, but then i was covered in chalk dust once i got replaced...
then last of all, was the dinner we chatt alot and stuff, Miss chan and leong gave us their speeches and we played with mrs Leong's dog, so cute! only 4 months old!
after which, the place got all dark and creepy , so i went home with Stephanie, anna, nadheerah ....ya.....really exhausting lol

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