Thursday, March 5, 2009

hi ppl,
today well....
chem boring
Learnt some pleasurism for PW lecture today, was really "high" after the nice music video, but my mood totally changed when the ugly baldie woman scolded us.
then chinese, lagi worst.
PW lesson ah....
well, our group (adam, wan xin, jared and nuren) did the presentation first , about handicappies.
i did the exhausting task of clicking in sync while, wan xin and adam did the presentation.
pretty tiring after the long first half of the day hmm.
oh next was a presentation by yi wen's group on lifts!
hehe so funny!
oh no! then it was physics...
really really dry at the first hour into the lesson,
i took my whiteboard marker, drew two eyes on my hand and took aishah's pink marker to draw a silly face. i was like "mmmmm mummmm mummmm!" to nadheera and aishah, which made them laugh also. for shi hong and yu jie, they were like "ok?????".
well thats all, and the pink is still on my hand after bathing...oh well.
oh yea! when i reached home, i went on to design a sandwhich logo which i actually intended for the "good news cafe", well just for fun. pretty cute eh?

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