Thursday, April 30, 2009

chem was dreadfully long today, got a clearer understanding on stuff,
well, everything was pretty much boring,
physics was super DUPER BORING!!!!

anywho, Julia, being a nice CM, got the B day cake for the april (and wan xin) people. sang the song, took some pictures and stuff!!
damn, i look really ugly in candid photos..

sigh....Jared did not want to take a picture....
but oh well...

Julia chose a really nice lemon cake with lots of fruits as toppings, well that was all.
wheather was pretty hot despite the heavy down pour earlier in the afternoon.
heres a pic
more can be seen in facebook, btw you can add me at

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

aww what a day!
just woke up from a lot of resting....

wednesday started with some confusing chem lesson,
nothing much here

then it was GP, Ms Chua, being as perky as she is taught us some stuff on essay stuff....blah blah

hmm tried to "mix" with faisal's clique this morning, unsuccessful, so depressed,

assembly on english stuff

cca was next, got the head for archiving!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank goodness im home finally!
Today, being monday, i had to put on the stuffy , ill fitting tie which made the incredibly hot wheather worse. but thats nothing much.....really.

during assembly, i asked joycelyn, "hey hammy!" and then she showed me that face lol? apparently people think im a physcotic killer or something.
just asking for the art question thingie for tmr thats all.....sigh...

First period was....OH MY GOD THERES A CHINESE TEST TMR! I JUST REALISED!!!!!!!!! random discovery..., well first period was chinese, went through a series of dull and useless questions....bla bladibly bla blur blah!

Physics pract was rather fun, well, sofi did not come today so i went to help yi chao with the experiment set up. pretty fine, got all the required readings and plotted a nice linear graph with a silly y-intercept that totally spoiled the picture.

hehe yi chao was all giggly, maybe its because i talk funny or something.

fortunately, i came in early for the math lecture and avoided the brief scolding by mdm song, did some stuff on transformation. TRANSFORMERS!!!!

PW, sien,
PE omg, it was 2.4km today!!!!!!! took along that mp4 i won in the silly manga competition 3 years ago and played my tunes during the tiring run. 12.58 minutes of agonizing pain man!!!!!!

but nonetheless, it is proven to be super duper effective, and i got a score of 12.58minutes! i even beat people who are actually waaaay more fit then me in overall performance. Shawn was one,adam was one but that was because he puked along the last lap and i felt incredibly guilty in not stopping to help him. i HAD to get a good mark for 2.4, i dont want to waste 2 months of my life in that f*kn dump Singapore calls a healthy life obstacle.

woohoooo i got 12.58, best ever in my life!!!!!!!!!!!

afterwhich, we(the guys) had to listen to a lecture from mrs loh. come to think of it Faisal does makes alot of hurting comments to people including me. faisal and the rest then went on to play basketball in the hot sun in which they had complained so much earlier.

me and wan xin etc...... went to wait at the table outside the computer lab for mr goh's lesson. APPARENTLY, it was canceled by hmmmmmmmm....faisal? and we(including yu jie's clique) were not informed.

nonetheless, we all arranged with mr goh to have an extra lesson on paraphrasing, lol mt entu went along, yi wen, yu jie and val came along afterwards.
hehe so funny.

got home with mr goh, lol he is really funny in a lame way......


Saturday, April 25, 2009

YAY! its a lovely sunday!!!
well, the night for super duper heaty and i had trouble sleeping, but nevermind about that, ill talk about the outin gwe had with mr goh the other day.....

lol kk....

wan xin, aishah nd nadheera..

hmm hmm HMM

thanks to julia, i ended up at raffles place, the funny park thingy wadering about like hungry ghost. Never really came down to the city, so i was lost....

forunately, after a series of frantic running, i found the place which was this Pizza Hut joint next to the fountain which gave off that lazy vibes...

hmm once i got there, i wasnt really the last guy t arrive, seems to me jia nan...shi jun.... also came.

aisha and wan xin acting like silly people

oh yea! aishah came along with some cute pony tail thiny and that checked outfit which reminded me of the dutch lady from the carnation milk brand..

anywho, mr Goh was nice enough to treat us to a loveley meal of pizza, yum!
oh and its in suntec city.

lol the ladies in front of me sure had a picky diet as they practically ate the crust and give the toppings to me. guess they are not so used to this food.

anywho, we got a wholesome meal on pizza, shi jun next to me ordered some interesting food, some of which included a pizza with super thick bottom crust.

while we were waiting for the late ppl, adam went to show zhan lun some magic tricks in which i totaly do not understand but still find it wonderful.

well, after which we headed off to the fountainin which mr goh actually intended to dedicate a message to us. after which we all went to the esplanade from which had that nice lemon grass aroma. took some nice photos in front of a really impressive installation art piece.

headed up to the humid roof top, where we took some pictures, i was feeling rather low that time as faisal kept making upsetting comments. sigh...

i shared some nice banana thingy julia bought for us, yum...

bid a farewell to mr goh and went off to the MRT.

lol! how funny! boarded the train with Ju Ju, entu, glenn, shawn and NU NU.
took up my book to read tosave the time on the train. hehe i was discussing with ayleen and NU Nu on how our parents look like. hehe.
and the mostfunny part of all was that time when we boarded the train together with an emo couple.

fortunately, they did not see me taking their photo. ok, well, they started "kissing" in which case is merly staring at each other in the kissing orientation with totally blank faces. what a sad way to kiss! well realising that no one really gives a damn about them, they started to go to a whole new level!

well, they went on to "hug" each other through the action of putting the arms around and staying motionless for 10mins, throughout the train ride. Julia , glenn, shawn and i were all gigglig.

lol whats with the people these days, EMO IS NOT HEALTHY!

got home and did some random camwhore thing in which i nvr done before all so often in my life. did it in the toilet as im sure my parents will think im weird if they see me.

someimes, i wish never had to wear glasses......

Friday, April 24, 2009

oh well here are some fun pics of me during art class!!!!


sculpture Wei Jiang, Eric, Bryan and Me made for the project competition thingie

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

well, today was crap was the first first few lessons...

other than that, the last few parts were.....interesting.

leadership thingy course doohicky fun time was in the afternoon. first, we did some tower building thing with styrofoam cups and i, being the ACM has to lead my own group woohooo!

weeeeeeeeeeeee did some dragon sculpture with my group,

yay! everyone was all contributing, Yi Wen had some really inovating ideas. they all initially said a dragon, what i had in mind was a western dragon, with legs and stuff, guess, chinese dragon is more easier for us =)

then it was the green bazaar!

well, noone actually wanted to buy these shirts, but nonetheless, we did not spend a large sum of money, and it was fun! really had a good time! got some "pioneer's got talent" competition and we had some pretty good seating.

got some singing, some rock guitar thingy that i dont understand... and the girls were like screaming non stop, i wonder how they get so energetic.

ooo the fun part! the store next to us has a broken fan so they gave it to us for free, yay! just what we need to cool off on this f*king hot day.

then the best thing of all was that mushroom booth!
it was manned by two nice ladies. hehe the auntie at the booth was really friendly, also bought one pack of 2 dollars to make spagetti at home. the ladies were nice enough to let me take home the entire free sample of stir fried mushrooms! shitake, willow and more... really not bad man! so tasty! its even better than chicken. mushrooms really have lots of vitamins and stuff, good nature food!

that was all,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ooooo found an interesting video on pop art!
tried my hand in photoshop, clearing my face of pimples...

Before > After
ladada di di du du du,
oh my god! its tuesday and i survived it!
well, started the morning fresh, first was physics so im a little ugh....
lol! started to rain heavily, even the sky was crying...

lol! Shi hong kinda got drenched in the rain, so she was like all soggy all over... lol the fact that she is a girl made it all worse.... but oh well =p

physics recap on dynamics, force and stuff, helicopter thingies.
ugh.....adam as always, asked me to do something for him, some SC person Bday, but i dont even know him/her! and im not a free person/ mass production machine. Did the austere task in conducting the ceremony since Julia's not here...hrmph lol.
Sofi's b day! whoohoooo!!!! everyone was super tired, so we were all in zombie mode....

SOFI's card, credits to Yi Wen! su lao shi repeated the entire lesson from monday, noone wanted to tell her that. More time for math homework mah....

physics lecture......dynamics- elastic thingies.

PW, own stuff again.... rather happy to see the girls fold the colored paper for the green bazaar shit.

then it was art!

did some experimental stuff on two artists , jackson and sum russian guy... of well

THANKS TO NICOLE, i got a horrible sploch on my uniform.....thank goodness it is white!

anywho, here are some random pics!

Mr goh's extra lesson on monday.....

savoring my guava juice

hey wan xin! hows the wheather today?
well, i think that..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

see the resemblance?
anywho, here are some pictures of the pioneer pallette its on my facebook.

poor sofi, his friends pang seh him, so we helped him out fortunately
ugh saturday, had to go to school,
woke up sooo disappointing,
well went for pioneer pallette, we are doing the tracing and masking
taping on the designs,
fortunately there were some pretty wonderful designs
made from the J2s of our school.
i really like the bookshelf-idea and the one with the trophies.
well in the morning, the sun was extremely glary so people complained
about the sun being too bright, but after a while, it went away.
lol there was this SC guy, vice president i think, he went on to
trace his design, ordinally right? NOT
firstly, they used a ground sheet to shade the sunlight in
which i had thought was rather resourceful of them. But then......
they started to form a weird tent-like structure which looked rather ridiculous. Since i have studied phycology for 3 months, i can predict what he was initially thinking,* hmm everyone else is tracing all so boringly, since i am a high position holder, i must be more inovative, hey! theres a ground sheet! hmm the teacher and the 2 art students there are coming, quick! use the tables and make a tent!*lol , really what haha, people really shouldnt be sooo innovative. all the other ppl managed to trace it nicely, some even better them theirs..

anywho, was really tired in the end of the day, felt like dying.
hmm also went to lot one to find an affordable pink shirt...but to no anvail.....=(

Friday, April 17, 2009

friday friday, the glorious weekend,
grabbed my file and off i went.
math was first, learnt some stuff,
asymtotes, intersepts, points, all so tough.

Pe was hard, push ups and cruches, so tiring,
3 laps around the track, i felt like dying,
circuit training, edurance squatting,
how exciting...

activity number three, the belly game,
aches and sores, thighs full of pain,
we lied on each others tummys, sweat everywhere,
laughing with classmates, i had funthere.

GP lesson was special, Mr Goh's last lesson,
got the book all pasted up; Mr Goh's present.
got back my test, 23 and a half,
all that info, it's so tough.

really pissed, adam ignored me throughout,
i waved, repeated , beckoned, even shout.
so much for the "support", disappointed was i.
Am i really that insignificant to adam's eye?

i've done stuff for the class, i am the ACM you see?
I made the books, designs and cards, i am not free.
people like adam take me for granted,
"Bryan do this please", he did not care what i wanted.

a sense of recognition and a sense of concern,
just a simple, "do you have time?", im not that stern.
He demands that i do so, nothing else,
im not angry, im just disappointed myself

people think im a machine, speed production at ease,
ive spent time buying and doing up the book,
can you hand up the colored paper fast please?
they all just dont know how much time it took, it wasn't easy

did our sculpture for art, an impressive one ild say,
wei jiang did a good job on the bricks, a rustic way.
i furnished the screws, fastened the card board,
eric did the beans, a questionable thought.

after which was photocourse lesson, composition
great in info, funny like hell, great elaboration.
Mr chua, such a funny teacher he was,
he takes pictures for a good cause

and that was friday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

well, today theres nothing
hong jie birtday, laughed aittle
Bryan goh's book, pasted a little.
silly people did not come to school today....
so much for the "i will support Bryan Goh".....
damn disappointed. some pictures.

silly pics

OK! since zhanlun's b day is over, here is the deisgn of the card for all to see.

pink, weird lol?
oh and here is hongjie's card.

took me quite some time to come out and plan these deisgns, not to mention the mechanics, well, just really happy to see the recipients smile.

these are pop up cards by the way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ok....wednesday was ....ok...
it was such a fabulous day.
shi hong told me she lost my notes,
couldn't remember what i wrote.

damn furious, damn angry,
she gave me mentos, an apple candy
weird confusing theories were taught,
new information i caught.

GP lesson was held in the container class,
really hoped that this will pass,
there was this essay you see,
family-questions , there were only three,

i sighed with relief,
i did not study for family,
i really can't believe,
i can plan so easily.

chose a question, a famous person,
took Paul cezanne, an artist profession,
wrote with aisha's black pen,
"through out he millenia..." i went

butt all aching, shivering in the cold,
the stupid aircon was so old,
cant even work effectively,
it was like 10 degrees.

Gp essay was ok, not so confident,
i mentioned points on the government,
stoned for 1.5 hours,
read up in the library about flowers.

printed pictures of Mr Bryan Goh,
our class 09S28 really did not want him to go,
it was "please" marked everywhere,
i really hoped the principal will care.

CCA interview was next, container classroom,
taught people how to draw cartoons,
they laughed like heck,
i laughed back.

interview was fun, teachers were approchable,
whats interesting, captivating, plausible
my seniors were giggling away,
they said that i had really made their day.

really confident about it,
i had requirements that meet,
i know photoshop and design princples,
i said it impressed the girls.

lol thats all.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

oh yea! just got an sms,
got it from Venky,
im going to tell the rest,
interview after assembly.

exco position! super important!
good for testimonial ,
im one of the participant,
gotta get support, really essential
well today was boring
woke up at 6 in the morning,
first was physics tutorial,
had equations that doesnt seem real,
really confusing,
really depressing,
such a boring boring day for me.

tuesdays are all hard,
had art lessons till 6,
learnt on new media art,
a weird awkward mix.

got some gastric pains,
ate egg mayo wholemeal grain,
did a test on binomial expansion,
did not pay attention.
slept during lesson,
my day has worsen.

got home at like 7 man,
met dad at the MRT stand,
waited for like 30 minutes for mom,
she was like, still in town?

i called her, dad called her,
she did not realise,
phone ringing, phone vibrating,
she did not use her eyes.

ate some stupid curry,
bought it in a hurry,
used up a whole 6 dollars,
its was like, uhhhhhhhh

stupid curry so spicy,
bones everywhere,
fish so tasteless,
but i still did not care

i was damn tired,
shirt drenched in sweat,
sat in front of this computer,
now im typing this thread.

Monday, April 13, 2009

really tired for monday...
did standing broad jump, got low score as always....zzzzzz
physics pract was boring, made my back so aching.....
chinese teacher talked about stuff i dont understand again....
boring boring BORING BORING BORING!!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

ok, here are my pics for that outing we had for the cca.
was somewhere in um...singapore river.

lol just making a weird face at steph

Saturday, April 11, 2009

well, ive just posted my checklist on "my perfect girlfriend's image".
well, unlike many other guys in my school who desire girlriends who dress up like slut and look emo all the time, i personally look forward to a cheerful, chubby and blobby looking girlfriend who isnt afraid to show her drawings(thats a rare characteristic). hmm possibly with a cute primary school girl hairstyle.
also, unlike many other people, i totally stink at all sports except badminton. i am however a good listener to people and i follow other people's orders easily.
i do wish that my future girlfriend will be extremely childish(not authistic or mentally ill) and loves bouncing about like a fishball.

i do not care about outside appearance, ( but she can't be extremely ugly , for example she is toothless or is cocked eyed), that is all... lol

phew! its the holiday man....
really wonderful, got some time to rest...hmmm
i got my dragonplatebody today! but nevermind about that..
kinda sleepy the entire day...
had to change the sofa covers yesterday.... kinda choked on the dust...aaarghh
hmm did some leadership workshop that thursday...
the funny pe teacher made us do i simple checklist chuck filled wth alot of cheem words...
i ended up to be
yellow, apparently i am very weak-willed and i agree to almost anything. however, it also says that i am understanding , cheerful and compassionate like a sun ray. in which i thought to be rather accurate. sadly, yellow is also not very good in leadership in terms of authority, but yellow is good at understanding people and putting people's feelings in front. hmm....oh well...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

finally im home! wooohoooo!!!!!
FIRST OFF!, was physics, did some silly thermodynamics stuff that i hardly understand. i was like huh? uhhh? ok.....???
well, pretty much spent most of the time drawing cute little puppies and "gangsterized" puppies on my tutorial.
then it was mother tongue, sigh.... nothing much again. lol the chinese teacher actually repeated her last lesson , what a waste of time.
but we decided not to tell her anything since we could really use the time.
then waited outside the chinese classroom of Yi Wen and the rest....
apparently their class waswaaaaaay more interactive and stuff, people were crying and all. in which i really found it touching, even after that 5 minutes of eavedropping to the lesson. Wan xin said it has something to do with love, in which made me totally jealous: i really won't mind joining them even though im bound to fail like hell
then it was physics test, well, its about kinematics n measurement.
Hong Jie was next to me emmiting that negative aura which hindered my concentration! aaargh!!!
well, did all the questions but had little doubts with the sand pit and the bonus question part....
Aishah was like, WHAT DA HELL???? i said: chill man, its over, go do the macarina!
well, after a big smack on the shoulder by Aishah, we went to math class.
hehe i spent the time drawing mdm song's face with a silly anotation next to me. I really managed to make the class laugh except the china-boys ...oh well.
still with the motion, i went on to draw mrs Loh during the PW lesson.
dammit! i got some AE or ME stuff that i hardly understand!
oh well, then it was art......sigh......
did some stuff on surrealism and stuff.
also did some bulletins on some weird guy who is obsessed with squiggly lines that represent nude women to him...

well that was all...
aaaargh lots of coloring to do tonight

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

oh *k! ive just found out i lost my art file! that cost me 6 dollars!
first period was math, did some lame april fool's joke that did not work out. Mdm Song was a pretty bright person.
next was PE,
super exhausting man, had to do 6 whole circuits of running, push ups, pull ups and all sigh...
oh well, i did 4 pull ups today!
partnered up with zhan lun....hmmm
then it was GP, turned our tables to face the back of the class but sadly "magnetic" people like adam had to listen to Mr Goh and turn around... sigh.....
other than that, nothing interesting happened.