Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank goodness im home finally!
Today, being monday, i had to put on the stuffy , ill fitting tie which made the incredibly hot wheather worse. but thats nothing much.....really.

during assembly, i asked joycelyn, "hey hammy!" and then she showed me that face lol? apparently people think im a physcotic killer or something.
just asking for the art question thingie for tmr thats all.....sigh...

First period was....OH MY GOD THERES A CHINESE TEST TMR! I JUST REALISED!!!!!!!!! random discovery..., well first period was chinese, went through a series of dull and useless questions....bla bladibly bla blur blah!

Physics pract was rather fun, well, sofi did not come today so i went to help yi chao with the experiment set up. pretty fine, got all the required readings and plotted a nice linear graph with a silly y-intercept that totally spoiled the picture.

hehe yi chao was all giggly, maybe its because i talk funny or something.

fortunately, i came in early for the math lecture and avoided the brief scolding by mdm song, did some stuff on transformation. TRANSFORMERS!!!!

PW, sien,
PE omg, it was 2.4km today!!!!!!! took along that mp4 i won in the silly manga competition 3 years ago and played my tunes during the tiring run. 12.58 minutes of agonizing pain man!!!!!!

but nonetheless, it is proven to be super duper effective, and i got a score of 12.58minutes! i even beat people who are actually waaaay more fit then me in overall performance. Shawn was one,adam was one but that was because he puked along the last lap and i felt incredibly guilty in not stopping to help him. i HAD to get a good mark for 2.4, i dont want to waste 2 months of my life in that f*kn dump Singapore calls a healthy life obstacle.

woohoooo i got 12.58, best ever in my life!!!!!!!!!!!

afterwhich, we(the guys) had to listen to a lecture from mrs loh. come to think of it Faisal does makes alot of hurting comments to people including me. faisal and the rest then went on to play basketball in the hot sun in which they had complained so much earlier.

me and wan xin etc...... went to wait at the table outside the computer lab for mr goh's lesson. APPARENTLY, it was canceled by hmmmmmmmm....faisal? and we(including yu jie's clique) were not informed.

nonetheless, we all arranged with mr goh to have an extra lesson on paraphrasing, lol mt entu went along, yi wen, yu jie and val came along afterwards.
hehe so funny.

got home with mr goh, lol he is really funny in a lame way......


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