Saturday, April 25, 2009

YAY! its a lovely sunday!!!
well, the night for super duper heaty and i had trouble sleeping, but nevermind about that, ill talk about the outin gwe had with mr goh the other day.....

lol kk....

wan xin, aishah nd nadheera..

hmm hmm HMM

thanks to julia, i ended up at raffles place, the funny park thingy wadering about like hungry ghost. Never really came down to the city, so i was lost....

forunately, after a series of frantic running, i found the place which was this Pizza Hut joint next to the fountain which gave off that lazy vibes...

hmm once i got there, i wasnt really the last guy t arrive, seems to me jia nan...shi jun.... also came.

aisha and wan xin acting like silly people

oh yea! aishah came along with some cute pony tail thiny and that checked outfit which reminded me of the dutch lady from the carnation milk brand..

anywho, mr Goh was nice enough to treat us to a loveley meal of pizza, yum!
oh and its in suntec city.

lol the ladies in front of me sure had a picky diet as they practically ate the crust and give the toppings to me. guess they are not so used to this food.

anywho, we got a wholesome meal on pizza, shi jun next to me ordered some interesting food, some of which included a pizza with super thick bottom crust.

while we were waiting for the late ppl, adam went to show zhan lun some magic tricks in which i totaly do not understand but still find it wonderful.

well, after which we headed off to the fountainin which mr goh actually intended to dedicate a message to us. after which we all went to the esplanade from which had that nice lemon grass aroma. took some nice photos in front of a really impressive installation art piece.

headed up to the humid roof top, where we took some pictures, i was feeling rather low that time as faisal kept making upsetting comments. sigh...

i shared some nice banana thingy julia bought for us, yum...

bid a farewell to mr goh and went off to the MRT.

lol! how funny! boarded the train with Ju Ju, entu, glenn, shawn and NU NU.
took up my book to read tosave the time on the train. hehe i was discussing with ayleen and NU Nu on how our parents look like. hehe.
and the mostfunny part of all was that time when we boarded the train together with an emo couple.

fortunately, they did not see me taking their photo. ok, well, they started "kissing" in which case is merly staring at each other in the kissing orientation with totally blank faces. what a sad way to kiss! well realising that no one really gives a damn about them, they started to go to a whole new level!

well, they went on to "hug" each other through the action of putting the arms around and staying motionless for 10mins, throughout the train ride. Julia , glenn, shawn and i were all gigglig.

lol whats with the people these days, EMO IS NOT HEALTHY!

got home and did some random camwhore thing in which i nvr done before all so often in my life. did it in the toilet as im sure my parents will think im weird if they see me.

someimes, i wish never had to wear glasses......

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