Wednesday, April 22, 2009

well, today was crap was the first first few lessons...

other than that, the last few parts were.....interesting.

leadership thingy course doohicky fun time was in the afternoon. first, we did some tower building thing with styrofoam cups and i, being the ACM has to lead my own group woohooo!

weeeeeeeeeeeee did some dragon sculpture with my group,

yay! everyone was all contributing, Yi Wen had some really inovating ideas. they all initially said a dragon, what i had in mind was a western dragon, with legs and stuff, guess, chinese dragon is more easier for us =)

then it was the green bazaar!

well, noone actually wanted to buy these shirts, but nonetheless, we did not spend a large sum of money, and it was fun! really had a good time! got some "pioneer's got talent" competition and we had some pretty good seating.

got some singing, some rock guitar thingy that i dont understand... and the girls were like screaming non stop, i wonder how they get so energetic.

ooo the fun part! the store next to us has a broken fan so they gave it to us for free, yay! just what we need to cool off on this f*king hot day.

then the best thing of all was that mushroom booth!
it was manned by two nice ladies. hehe the auntie at the booth was really friendly, also bought one pack of 2 dollars to make spagetti at home. the ladies were nice enough to let me take home the entire free sample of stir fried mushrooms! shitake, willow and more... really not bad man! so tasty! its even better than chicken. mushrooms really have lots of vitamins and stuff, good nature food!

that was all,

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