Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ladada di di du du du,
oh my god! its tuesday and i survived it!
well, started the morning fresh, first was physics so im a little ugh....
lol! started to rain heavily, even the sky was crying...

lol! Shi hong kinda got drenched in the rain, so she was like all soggy all over... lol the fact that she is a girl made it all worse.... but oh well =p

physics physics.......got recap on dynamics, force and stuff, helicopter thingies.
ugh.....adam as always, asked me to do something for him, some SC person Bday, but i dont even know him/her! and im not a free person/ mass production machine. Did the austere task in conducting the ceremony since Julia's not here...hrmph lol.
Sofi's b day! whoohoooo!!!! everyone was super tired, so we were all in zombie mode....

SOFI's card, credits to Yi Wen!

chinese...lol su lao shi repeated the entire lesson from monday, noone wanted to tell her that. More time for math homework mah....

physics lecture......dynamics- elastic thingies.

PW, own stuff again.... rather happy to see the girls fold the colored paper for the green bazaar shit.

then it was art!

did some experimental stuff on two artists , jackson and sum russian guy... of well

THANKS TO NICOLE, i got a horrible sploch on my uniform.....thank goodness it is white!

anywho, here are some random pics!

Mr goh's extra lesson on monday.....

savoring my guava juice

hey wan xin! hows the wheather today?
well, i think that..

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