Tuesday, April 7, 2009

finally im home! wooohoooo!!!!!
FIRST OFF!, was physics, did some silly thermodynamics stuff that i hardly understand. i was like huh? uhhh? ok.....???
well, pretty much spent most of the time drawing cute little puppies and "gangsterized" puppies on my tutorial.
then it was mother tongue, sigh.... nothing much again. lol the chinese teacher actually repeated her last lesson , what a waste of time.
but we decided not to tell her anything since we could really use the time.
then waited outside the chinese classroom of Yi Wen and the rest....
apparently their class waswaaaaaay more interactive and stuff, people were crying and all. in which i really found it touching, even after that 5 minutes of eavedropping to the lesson. Wan xin said it has something to do with love, in which made me totally jealous: i really won't mind joining them even though im bound to fail like hell
then it was physics test, well, its about kinematics n measurement.
Hong Jie was next to me emmiting that negative aura which hindered my concentration! aaargh!!!
well, did all the questions but had little doubts with the sand pit and the bonus question part....
Aishah was like, WHAT DA HELL???? i said: chill man, its over, go do the macarina!
well, after a big smack on the shoulder by Aishah, we went to math class.
hehe i spent the time drawing mdm song's face with a silly anotation next to me. I really managed to make the class laugh except the china-boys ...oh well.
still with the motion, i went on to draw mrs Loh during the PW lesson.
dammit! i got some AE or ME stuff that i hardly understand!
oh well, then it was art......sigh......
did some stuff on surrealism and stuff.
also did some bulletins on some weird guy who is obsessed with squiggly lines that represent nude women to him...

well that was all...
aaaargh lots of coloring to do tonight

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