Thursday, July 30, 2009

well, our chem teacher today was much better than what she did yesterday..
she did not really criticize us that much, but i still prefer Mr Tan.

Pw sian, nothing to do, so we did a review on all the ghost stories. Turned out that Yi Wen had really creepy experiences in her life, thank god im not her otherwise i will go crazy... well, i know that the lord is with me always and nothing can ever harm me, i also carry a cross keychain to remind me in times of doubt...AMEN!

well, the artroom is seen to be at the edge of the Haunted area of the school and i heard that someone got a ghostyl encounter in there.
really terrified now, thinking that someone is lurking behind me when i do my painting for SLA.

hmm sometimes i wonder how my paintbrushes end up at the opposite end of the table everytime i turn around, i really hope that its the fan blowing, otherwise the ghost really had nothing to do.

Break time AGAIN

Chinese lesson, haha she repeated the lesson the fourth time already, new record!!!

Break time AGAIN....

it was super good int he first few months, but the school true to say is not a wonderful place to waste time in. as a matter a fact, i went to PJC just to get through these 2 years, after i graduate from some arts school i will be considering coming back to SJI my secondary school to teach art or literature as an allumni. Really miss SJI, the environment there is sooooooo much friendly then this....sigh...i miss all my wonderful teachers that like to joke with us, Mr gregory, Mrs Ong....Mr Teo....Miss Yam...such wonderful people and such funny gossiping to do haha.

GP lesson was horrible, Ms Chua scolded us for being iresponsive, i myelf had all the answers in my head but i just do not want to say anything as i felt tired and i was actually waiting for Ms Chua to give the China people a chance to express their views....

Physics boring...Mr Tan did voodoo magic on the white board again, don't know what is he talking about...

ya, thats all
Oh! my newly planted green beans are 6cm tall now, YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

aaaahhhhhh so tired!
but anyway, wednesday is over!!!

well, weird stuff happened today,
still thinking about the NS stuff from yesterday....

yay my beans are in the leaf-sprout stage!
can't wait for them to bear pods!

anyway, my new chemistry teacher was horrible, well, she looked rather well groomed, with make up and all... but the moment she stepped into the classroom, she scolded all of us for no apparent reason.
"please cover your mouth when you yawn", "you! no handphones in class!","oi! if i see anyone using the handphone ill send you to Mrs Tan's office." as if Mrs Tan has soooo much time to entertain us....
stupid woman...
rules this, rules that....
I have heard of first impressions in the students, but this teacher totally blew it for herself...
in the end of the lesson, she even dare to bare the rosy cheek to ask us why the class was feeling so glum so depressed and so lifeless.
in which case i had a brain trauma after hearing her say "am i right" and scolding us time and time again.....
its not as if we killed her relative or anything?
well, i can only describe her a bitter-sweet teacher, with the component of her being bitter being the dominant factor.... on the plus side, we are more motivated to do our chem tutorials and we get to be forced to pay attention.... unfortunately, all the chem lessons are the first periods of the day, thereby eliminating all revenues of a happy start of the day from can we learn effectively with a low motivation in the start of the day????tell me???
unofrtunately, the entire class including me do not have the "power" or status to criticize her beneath the eyes of the ministry of education...
even my tan, our previous chem teacher who was super good and funny commented that she was a hard teacher to please...
im really glas that im not her son or anything, as my life will be full of unessecary regulations...
well, she is right about the expected attention, but she has no right to criticize us to be "prone" to committing all this in the first place.
she talked extremely fast , thats one thing. I got several instances of mental block when i can't get a point and yet she still crams information into my head....teaching wise, ild say medium, she is not too neglectful like my eng teacher in secondary school and she is not a brilliant teacher who evaluates every student's weaknesses and strengths like all art teachers do.
i really hope that my first impression of her is not true one bit.
cuz she will be teaching us till jc2!!!!
omg i don't know if its a good or bad thing....
its times like this where i evaluate past mistaken teachers such as Miss chua, my gp tutor...
i chave come to the conclusion that her idea of relating the lesson to the class and getting participation was deem as an effective way of conducting a PROPER AND FRIENDLY lesson, unlike chemistry.
even if she scolds us, she never fails to give a sweet smile to relieve our trauma from the criticism she just made.
well, sometimes she can be sarcastic, but its more of a comic relief, the class is still allowed to lay back and laugh along, enjoying the lesson.
in my chem's teacher case, who is Mrs Tay(ironically she shares the same name as my nice art teacher who is totally not her)she conducts the lesson as if its a lecture, but a lecture to criminals in a jail....
i don't care if she even reads this blog, as she will get a validated response on the way she conducts the lesson. Yes, im criticising her, but its based on our, OUR OUR overall first impressions of her. even if Mrs Tan reads this too or what ever, she will get a better understanding to her teaching skills. because, if Mrs Tan s just so free so as mrs tay says so to entertain handphone people, of course she will be free enough to evaluate my opinion and put in changes to ur curriculum...
after all te nightmare, got a interesting art lesson.
took better insights on uber religious art works, mostly contemporary drawings, dada installations and contemporary installations. Marcel Duchamp and some Boom Boom guy from thailand....
for once, i thought dada was nonsense, but this changed my opinion, dada is the art movement which has the most interpretations from the viewers, which is a component in interacting with the art work....

did archiving stuff today, haha Shi jun looks like a dried chilli in his outfit.
hmm and nad took pics of my clas mates...
that is all..

Monday, July 27, 2009

aaargh!!!! damn it!!! my computer just hanged, have to retype this post.....

Hey everybody im back!
after suffering with fever, sore throat, vommiting blood and coughing like hell....
I was welcomed back to school like a celebrity, alot of people seem to know me better...
got some comments such as "how are you??","did you die?" and "eeeeeee! you H1N1, i don't like you leh!!!"
well, its really heart warming to have such a thing....
puts a smile on yourface...
well, i can definitely say that i am not an exciting person, im more of a behind-the-scenes leader in any social scenario...most likely when it comes to school work...
seems, nice once in a while to know that people actually cared for me....but oh well, im being touchy...
im a guy and i should sheild my emotions....ugh...

ok! chinese class was extremely funny!
well, su lao shi was late for her lesson, then this strange guy stepped in and looked at us, for a moment, we thought that he was su lao shi's replacement, turns out he is just another teacher from china teaching us about long-winded chinese sayings...those that takes 6 or 10 words just to explain a scenario... whatever

well, whats funny was that his china accent was extremely deep, he said something like "darr jiar hour, wo eh reh men lie shuo meng shua de gho reh eh" and the entire class went silent...well, for 30 secs, everyone was speechless, we are a banded class, what more to expect? haha our english is more profound and high classed compared to our cheena standards...

well, he went to talk about weird sayings.... first he was talking about "yan yu" in which case i thought he was teaching us about colors , but it turned out that he is teaching us long-winded cheena statements, well some of them have deep meaning, but ill rather describe it normally... i wish i am 100% english...

lesson was fun...
Phy pract was about moments about the ruler, Mr Tan was trying to avoid me and he showed that funny face...
Math lecture sian
Pw sian
Pe, well it was raining, so we are released, got to get some good insights from mrs loh abt our pw stuff. got some really enriching ideas. haha i think jared is opening up, he is smiling more often XD

played for a while with ugh...the girls...sigh...why can't the other boys "linger" with us together? its like the class is sliced into two parts...
quite fun, haha, simon says....

tired, watched some spanish horror/loving movie with my parents, really wonderful, but creepy, "el orphanato", so classy....

thats all

Friday, July 24, 2009

hi, im posting again,
and im here to shed some light on the issue of , siblings...
well, my siblings that's one thing.
i guess its all about nature's randomness, what you see is what you get, you can't do anything about it. I, being an elder sibling, am oblidged in the eyes of god to commit any act that would harm my brother, well physically, i have watched all those shows where the murderer gets nothing in return. so i guess im going to wait it out naturally and wait till he gets is just rewards when he grows old

i have a wonderful sister, she is perfect in everyway, quite a good role model, well, nothing to say about that.
my brother on the other hand is the direct opposite.

ignorant in everyway, he's mentality is as austere in one look, the lifeless, eyes of a first-person shooter game addict will just stare back at you. this subject of criticsm does not understand a great deal of values at his age.
and yet my father treats him better???? well, who am i to say that? he IS my father, he has every right to what ever he wishes too, thats the point.

"you're 17, your brother is 13, he deserves more".
deserves more you say???
well, at my time when i was 13 myself, i was definitely a better student than he is, absorbing every figment of information i can scan from my textbook, practices my maths on hot sunday afternoons, and my play time? well the computer had only spent 2-3 hours with me at the most.. moderate rewards here and there was well....ok...sushi mmm.
well, come to think of it, he does treat me well, but as time proceeds, things shift out their own position

my dad, still retains his 1960s vision of the world, since he was unsuccessful to make it to JC, he had no idea what JC life was. Criticizing the hours i spend on the comp to do my PW, staying up late to rush for a report, studying in my room instead of watching tv with him outside, its just insesible.

My brother on the other hand, is a real pain in the neck, take this, he is a Normal Acad student, bearing results far far below me and my sister, a real impact on our lives. Tuition was ineffective, he just skipped through it, school? well since the first 4 months of the curriculum, complaints from teachers ever since primary school managed to trail him to secondary school. skipping class, bullying, act of mischieve and defiance against the teacher were some examples, my parents, were kind , they were extremely supportive in solving all these cases even though 40% of them were commited red handed by my brother...

My dad says all teachers are the same, his utter dislike of these tutors gave him the stereotype of them having the tendency to jump straight to the point, listen for evidence from the student body and get a final verdict from the staff. My sis and i did not have such teachers... one reason for this insesible stereotype was the factor that all the teachers my dad has met was my brother's. awkward? all the teachers whom taught my brother complained to my parents and issued warning to my parents on how to conduct him, and get this, the teachers were his primary AND secondary school teachers.

described to be a hypocrite in my eyes, he has achieved far lesser than i, "oh its his standard that is, he can't do anything about it", well bullshit, he is just lazy thats all, failure this, failure that, the onlything he excelled at was the photographical memory of different artilery gun units and what soever..

more to come...
well, today's my 5th day of medical leave...
hmm, the degree of boredom just drags me down, can't find any word to describe it.

The dilemma im currently in now is no doubt penultimate, lots of work to do, and yet i am enjoying every bit of it, bitter sweet moment eh?

hmm , well nothing out of the ordinary today, staying at home the whole day...thank goodness i have miki to acompany me haha.

well, since, she was good throughout the whole day, i gave her the oportunity to have a tummy rub.
in which case she was super duper happy.

Here's a pic when i gave her bert to play with

She's really happy and cute!

tickling her belly.


My perfect TV companion, my miki. haha

and yes, through the way i type, im a childish person.
well, i don't mind posting ugly pics of myself on facebook, and typing personal stuff on blogs, i really don't mind at all. Because my reputation is already screwed up in the first place and not many people care about me, before JC life that is.

hmm , cooked myself some pasta with the shrimp my mom bought...

did some designing, more brainstorming for my art coursework..
hmm, my dog's mensus is coming so, im going to buy floor detergent tmr.
yay weekend's tmr!

can't wait for school, darn sickness sucks.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

yay im feeling much better now!!!
well, just decided to revert back to this old template, the new ones giving me a headache, codes everywhere. ill just settle down to something simple

well, guess what, i got H1n! omg
well not really, the doctor was a little unclear....

he said;" you are considered to be h1n1"
and yet i have all the symptoms of h1n1, but anywho, my mc says "influenza A-like-virus" but oh well...

really suffering for the past few days, fever kept going up ang down
thank gooness im not vommiting or anything. missing racial harmony and class phototaking!
but oh well.....

mrs loh just called! she says i can come to scl to take my a level chinese listening! just have to sit in quarantine room with the 3 other people who got it too..sigh....

well that is all

Saturday, July 18, 2009

oh my heck!
my weekend sucks!!!!!
well, after the art lesson on friday, i was getting all feverish and all....

and then...
suffering suffering
bloody waste my saturday time!!!!!

at least i feel better on sunday!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

so here is my results for the term...... i meant mid year...sry

Math: A (yay)
Physics: B (hmm)
Art: A (yay!!!!)

Chem: E =.="
Chinese: U
GP: U was horrible, a pass is only 46% omg......
really strict......


Monday, July 13, 2009

ugh, really tired now, so im just going to summarize it.

chinese sien.... got 36/100 for chinese...argh...
physics pract was something about bendy a lousy reading....

hmm Mrs Tay told me abt a new me thinking....but i cant commit things well...

maths lecture was interesting! learnt a very fun formula...series i think.

mrs loh did not come today, so Mr Neo took over
GPP got approved finally! yay!!!!!!!

PE slack, ran 5.5rounds

really sanity is tired too.....
whoopie whoopie sdjakdjas
gum gum gum

Saturday, July 11, 2009

oh boy... what a tired day...

well, im just here to blog about the event that happened on umm Friday? i have really bad memory.

well, got to listen to a nice lecture on history, and get this, ITS IN CHINESE!

well, the man was pretty craggy and such , but nonetheless he was a funny person.
got some insights on the sook ching massacre...very depressing,
thank goodness im not alive then...

after which we got out to do the birthday ritual...
well, its for the june and erm...some other month's babies....
julia, yi wen, patrick...and jared...shi hong...ummm

bad memory bad memory....!!!!

yi wen at that time was very ugh, so i did'nt really want to ask her anything.

gave out their cards.....glad they liked it!

julia, sofi got a nice choc cake, we had no utensils, so i held up the cake on the paper plate to consume it like a mutt.

afterwhich is the highlight of the day!

after the chinese lecture on the japanese stuff...rubber tree and stuff,
we got to watch a overly-dramatic movie!

haha the japanese people sound like robots and the china man in the mpvie had a horrible english accent.

not only can i NOT understand him in english, i can't read the chinese subtitles!!!
wonderful show, nonetheless,

hmm got home, all tired and all...

haha, aishah said her talk was all about food ...mmm how unique, home econs and malay, another subject combi!

how nice if lectures can be like that, combination of two subjects = save lots of valuable time and energy! not to mention air condition!

signing out! bye bye!