Friday, July 24, 2009

hi, im posting again,
and im here to shed some light on the issue of , siblings...
well, my siblings that's one thing.
i guess its all about nature's randomness, what you see is what you get, you can't do anything about it. I, being an elder sibling, am oblidged in the eyes of god to commit any act that would harm my brother, well physically, i have watched all those shows where the murderer gets nothing in return. so i guess im going to wait it out naturally and wait till he gets is just rewards when he grows old

i have a wonderful sister, she is perfect in everyway, quite a good role model, well, nothing to say about that.
my brother on the other hand is the direct opposite.

ignorant in everyway, he's mentality is as austere in one look, the lifeless, eyes of a first-person shooter game addict will just stare back at you. this subject of criticsm does not understand a great deal of values at his age.
and yet my father treats him better???? well, who am i to say that? he IS my father, he has every right to what ever he wishes too, thats the point.

"you're 17, your brother is 13, he deserves more".
deserves more you say???
well, at my time when i was 13 myself, i was definitely a better student than he is, absorbing every figment of information i can scan from my textbook, practices my maths on hot sunday afternoons, and my play time? well the computer had only spent 2-3 hours with me at the most.. moderate rewards here and there was well....ok...sushi mmm.
well, come to think of it, he does treat me well, but as time proceeds, things shift out their own position

my dad, still retains his 1960s vision of the world, since he was unsuccessful to make it to JC, he had no idea what JC life was. Criticizing the hours i spend on the comp to do my PW, staying up late to rush for a report, studying in my room instead of watching tv with him outside, its just insesible.

My brother on the other hand, is a real pain in the neck, take this, he is a Normal Acad student, bearing results far far below me and my sister, a real impact on our lives. Tuition was ineffective, he just skipped through it, school? well since the first 4 months of the curriculum, complaints from teachers ever since primary school managed to trail him to secondary school. skipping class, bullying, act of mischieve and defiance against the teacher were some examples, my parents, were kind , they were extremely supportive in solving all these cases even though 40% of them were commited red handed by my brother...

My dad says all teachers are the same, his utter dislike of these tutors gave him the stereotype of them having the tendency to jump straight to the point, listen for evidence from the student body and get a final verdict from the staff. My sis and i did not have such teachers... one reason for this insesible stereotype was the factor that all the teachers my dad has met was my brother's. awkward? all the teachers whom taught my brother complained to my parents and issued warning to my parents on how to conduct him, and get this, the teachers were his primary AND secondary school teachers.

described to be a hypocrite in my eyes, he has achieved far lesser than i, "oh its his standard that is, he can't do anything about it", well bullshit, he is just lazy thats all, failure this, failure that, the onlything he excelled at was the photographical memory of different artilery gun units and what soever..

more to come...

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