Monday, July 27, 2009

aaargh!!!! damn it!!! my computer just hanged, have to retype this post.....

Hey everybody im back!
after suffering with fever, sore throat, vommiting blood and coughing like hell....
I was welcomed back to school like a celebrity, alot of people seem to know me better...
got some comments such as "how are you??","did you die?" and "eeeeeee! you H1N1, i don't like you leh!!!"
well, its really heart warming to have such a thing....
puts a smile on yourface...
well, i can definitely say that i am not an exciting person, im more of a behind-the-scenes leader in any social scenario...most likely when it comes to school work...
seems, nice once in a while to know that people actually cared for me....but oh well, im being touchy...
im a guy and i should sheild my emotions....ugh...

ok! chinese class was extremely funny!
well, su lao shi was late for her lesson, then this strange guy stepped in and looked at us, for a moment, we thought that he was su lao shi's replacement, turns out he is just another teacher from china teaching us about long-winded chinese sayings...those that takes 6 or 10 words just to explain a scenario... whatever

well, whats funny was that his china accent was extremely deep, he said something like "darr jiar hour, wo eh reh men lie shuo meng shua de gho reh eh" and the entire class went silent...well, for 30 secs, everyone was speechless, we are a banded class, what more to expect? haha our english is more profound and high classed compared to our cheena standards...

well, he went to talk about weird sayings.... first he was talking about "yan yu" in which case i thought he was teaching us about colors , but it turned out that he is teaching us long-winded cheena statements, well some of them have deep meaning, but ill rather describe it normally... i wish i am 100% english...

lesson was fun...
Phy pract was about moments about the ruler, Mr Tan was trying to avoid me and he showed that funny face...
Math lecture sian
Pw sian
Pe, well it was raining, so we are released, got to get some good insights from mrs loh abt our pw stuff. got some really enriching ideas. haha i think jared is opening up, he is smiling more often XD

played for a while with ugh...the girls...sigh...why can't the other boys "linger" with us together? its like the class is sliced into two parts...
quite fun, haha, simon says....

tired, watched some spanish horror/loving movie with my parents, really wonderful, but creepy, "el orphanato", so classy....

thats all

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