Friday, August 7, 2009

happy birthday singapore!

yay! todays national day, what a wonderful time....
well, im actually on a 7 day MC as prescribed by the doctor, had flu again....
but nonetheless, i force myself to come today since im more or less much better now and that i have an art lesson and GP homework to worry about.
i know that Mrs Tay is running late on shedule, so i'd better come down for today,
well, its nice, just did some nice stuff on photoshop. spent 15min last night doing it from scratch haha.

really feel guilty seeing ym other classmates coloring away in front of her... while i just had to show her the pic i made and edit it in like, 40sec using photoshop. oh well, thank my lucky stars i have a siter who is brilliant in photoshop skills and she is nice enough to impart me her skills at it. to such an extent that im much more skilled than her now.

anywho, stood for a long time in the parade square this morning.
ah yes, i wore my favourite red shirt i got from a Manga seminar. well, my brother got it, but i figured out he did not serserve it and the reason why he is able to enter it in the first place was bescause i was a finalist in black and white category. hehe, it has all the sponsors all over the shirt, well, alot of people approach me and asked if i just came back from a Car Racing show. well, it does have that look anyway.... haha

there was this small ceremony parade thingy the school did, pretty ok, but too bad i can see it from behind despite my tall height.... i had a friend within the parade, so that was one of the reasons why i came to school in the first place.

after one instance of time wastage, it was PW consultation day, got pretty board in the middle so i did my low voice singing again, haha
Mrs Loh went through the WR bla bla bla....
ah yes, thats all
although i pity adam, we pretty much ignored him totally as we walked out the classroom. haha, jared was acting all funny like always.
pictures coming up soon btw, have to use my sis comp.... oh well...

then it was the celebration! yay!
gathered together, sang some songs, watched some performances.
was pretty impressed with the indian hip hop thing, did not know tamil can be so catchy even with all those syllabus. malay dance... really nice, too bad the umbrella went all hay wired ,but the its the dancing that matters, not the, good job!

chinese orchestra, was ok, nice music, really high pitched haha, also came to school today to support my fren in the performance....

sing song, jump around, saw other people being thrown upwards. some stupid boys fractured their knee cap from what i heard, got a mambo line moving around... paper airplane everywhere... haha was fun.

art lesson, ....

ya thats all.

1 comment:

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