Sunday, May 31, 2009

yay!!!!! the june holidays are here! finally i will be able to get some rest!!!!

hmm got some agenda to plan during this time.
since my warcraft account got hacked by an asshole a week ago, i will be chanelling the holiday time to do excercising and hopefully i will get bigger muscles or somewhat like that...... hmm......i really have to kill my phobia of going to the gym and seeing other people waaaaaaaay muscley than me.

and ill mug for the mid years.....
hmm then ill see for my H1 chemistry....

well that is all....
oh yea! had to do up a painting for the SLA thingie, it isnt really much, but id try my best....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

hmm i have not been blogging recently, just pretty lazy and lots of work to do in JC....
but anywho, ill just go on and type this while im still in the school's library.

ok, this is a summary of yesterday, tuesday, 26th may.
well, nothing out of the ordinary, woke up to see my idiotic brother again....kinda dampened my mood.
First period was physics, damn......boring......but at least work and energy are more interactive as it involves moving things.

then it was chinese, su lao shi was super duper kind enough to buy for us a packet of "chi kuei", which is this round rice cake thing with salted vegetables on top of it. Really tasted great! the salty taste really kept me awake during the lesson. Haha, jesslyn was playing her phone while she was talking away, but nonetheless, it was a nice experience... talked about something on mothers and how perservering they are....pretty true...

then it was physics lecture.....ugh....
got a lecture on some circular motion thing which was hard to grasp , but truly interesting on the whole. The lecturer was sooooo funny , just like a primary school student! ha ha. pretty hard to grasp......all the radians and stuff......but fortunately i did not doze off.....YAY!

after the break, it was math, nothing much there........really.

then it was PW, did some discussions on our gpp as a group(finally) on wan xin's laptop in which i would say was very oily on the outside.

lol! that was also the time when i discovered thati left my art sketchbook , which was sooooo extremely important at home! really did not want Mrs Tay to go all boom boom boom , so i siezed the opportunity of the break to rush home. Really hot day, i ran really fast, but the stupid bus driver at the interchange just showed me that face and closed the door in front of me.....stupid bastard, he will burn in hell, thats strike 1 for satan....
with my entire body drenched with pespiration it was utterly uncomfortable to even sit down and thinnk..... but anywho, I MADE IT TO SCHOOL WITH MY SKETCH BOOK!!!!!. once there, in the artroom, i went on to do some the painting. i specially chose mine, which was a picture of Cezanne's work- a potrait of a landscape in which depicted cool, and down-to-earth colors. I REALLY DO LOVE BROWNS, SIENNAS, OLIVE, DARK GREENS AND BLACKS AS THEY ARE ALL NATURAL AND EARTHLY COLORS!, HERE THAT PPL!

started off with the sky, went on to the ground and did some work on the trees in which it took me some time to mark out the details.....but alas, i did not finish it, so i had to bring it home.

wow....really amazed with my art mates, despite the common style of impressionistic works of the artist we all chosen, all of us displayed unique paintign styles.

eric's one was very colorful and particular about the clashignof warm and neutral colors, with very light dabs of light blue paint.

shawn put into use a very soft technique of applying flat coors first and then slowly rubbing in darker colors to apply tone.

Bryan chia's work was very chalky looking, he used alot of blending in his work.

Weijiang had really nice motion, it radiates from the centre of his painting, really nice.

mine was rather blobby and i used very thick paint.

michelle diluted her paints and approched it by layering the paints as if they were watercolors,

Esther has unique way of representing pure flat black on her painting, it has pigments of beige in it.

nicole has alot of texture on the skin, theres pigments of green to highlight the neutral tones of the skin, pretty dabby like a sponge

jasmine was very particular with her background, with smooth blending of browns and crimson blobs across it to represent poppies.

wow! joycelyn was really accurate, pretty clear and well defined. from far it looks identical!

dipar work was a little far away, i cant really see it.

hehe , during the lesson mrs Tay got us a box of really good tasting chocolate biscuits which really lightened up my mood. sigh....i stained my polo.....but at least it gives me recognition of being an art student.

afterwhich, i met adam at the polio to work on the gpp, had to wait like 20 minutes for the rest to come back from their meal.......ugh.....

went home pretty late....

hmm worked on julia's card till i fell asleep.

really long day....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

well, the first part of the day was very boring so im just going to speed forward to the sexuality workshop.
well, the sexuality workshop forced 3 classes to squeeze into this tight hell hole, but fortunately it was air conditioned =). The people who conducted the course was this two super-energetic people, ruth and alvin, pretty fun and entertaining. we started off with a rousing game of human bingo, i went around collecting signatures in fear of getting a forfeit, which was actually non existant in the end of the day. Then we watched a few movies and did some nice cool stuff about self realisation.....but im not going to dwelve into that as my blog will be even more boring to other people.


the j2s have mostly done the bulk of the work for our class, so Julia and i decided to award some nice CIP hours to those people who even bothered to come. Me on the other hand, together with my art mates patrol every level just to help out with everybody's work.
helped with the outlining, blending and stuff like that.
surprisingly , the students made a huge effort to make their designs more appealing, they really cared for the school's environment. well, majority of them were girls, while a huge bulk of the dumb slakers were boys who only laugh and make fun of the girls who were busily painting away.
hehe, made alot of new friends along the way, and alot of them think im funny, yet weird at the same time. there was this wall i which people were struggling, but with a few black outlines, it looked really impactful. really tired man.........i died in bed when i came home.

oh yea! my beans have sprouted! cant wait for them to grow big and bear flowers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

well these 3 days was pretty dull, stoned a little at home, went down to yew tee point to eat and that was all. We played some games at home....and my dumb ass brother was all stubborn to leave the computer despite his exams being next week and my parents forbid him to play at all. He kept saying "so?" with his stupid face of his, i really feel like stabbing him, but he is my brother and my future will be ruined if i commit assault of murder in my household. furthermore i would be going to hell, so ill just keep to myself and continue blogging.....

well it was also mothers day yesterday and sadly we were all occupied that day that we cant get a present for mom. so ive made a prmise to her to bake a super duper pretty cake for her birthday this year!

well, about 2 hours ago, went down to eat, mom got these nice thin clothings from my cousin , so i randomly picked a black one, pretty nice, but i look like a spoiled emo; i was wearing all black and i have very soft straight hair. so i kept smiling. went the NTUC after buying the chicken rice for the spawn of the devil to get some nice beans to plan. i found this long glass bottle that looks really good in sunlight, so ill be planting my bean in it, thats all!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Today was super tiring!!!!!!

Math lesson was neutral, Mdm Song, a very funny teacher kept me awake ...haha, she is just like those cheerful moms on television.

then it was pe.......sigh...
it was the girls' turn for their 5 stations today, and that the boys pretty much had to do nothing. Faisal as always suggested we go to the gym...
good for them, they went all around and did some very troublesome excercising. but oh well, who am i to judge, it's their interest anyway

the entire room was all stuffy despite the iminent airconditioning in the room. all the other guys except haziq went to try out the stuff. Since i have this phobia of using excercising machines and i think they are inmoral, i pretty much sat down and did nothing. did not want to stay outside with the girls, otherwise ppl will think im too touchy.

zhan lun used his phone to connect to the music box doohickies in the room, which was rather relazing after some time.

after which, it was GP lesson.
it was pretty apparent that ms Chua was not greatly anticipated by the class that julia told me to lead the class in greeting. everyone was like, glum and down when she stepped in. but i respect their stuff....

during the lesson, i took the opportunity to do a little sketch of a fluffy dog in blue ink format, which you ppl will get to see soon. silly Faisal just HAD to blab so much that attracted ms chua's attention..... but anywho, she went through the compre stuff with us yesterday and hence it did not matter to me at all.

math lecture, sien

art lesson, yay! today we were doing clay work! so interesting....
sadly my art mates are starting to think i am a weird person and so they did not talk to me much at all. started off with "pinch pots" which is a hollow figurine made out of clay, simple as that. Mrs Tay was really cool and showed us her learning journey to visit alot of places for a good cause,
she made good use of her wonderful art skills and she even enriched the lives of poor silly people in indonesia.

really awesome, she went overseas for performing arts, did some displays in museums and many more. Really wonderful, can't wait to do what she does after Ns, and after i graduate from la salle, .i dont give a damn of what my dad says, that art wont bring you anywhere. I DONT CARE, FUCK HIM, IM JUST GOING TO GO MY WAY, ITS MY LIFE AND EVEN IF I HAVE A LOW SALARY, I WILL STILL LIVE A HAPPY, SATISFIED LIFE. thats the perfect lifestyle i put my skills into good use and help the world.

oh, and heres a piece of work i did from photoshop, commercial break!

did a design from the mycellium growth chunk i saw during eco week 2 weeks ago. its this chunk of fluffy wood shavings with mushrooms growing out of it. Really cute. i had little time for the second one, so i did a simple skull-shaped pot.

now for the cylindrical pot...
wow, Bryan(not me) was really experienced with this class stuff and he has alot of physical strength, compared to me who is a weakling and not-so-experienced.

he showed us some neat ways to make a nice circular pot and he helped us to do the trimming. hmm and loads of other stuff....

cca meeting,
haha mr chua was all so funny, he thought a fly on the screen was a smudgy piece of dirt in his high-quality photo. haha

learned lots of cool stuff with the exposure, that a dull and badly lit room can be turned into a lovely bright-colored picture. hmm, got clay all over my body.


he does not even realise that youtube is

1. a key source for entertainment

3. plus , how am i spose to be famous if i cant upload my videos???

Thursday, May 7, 2009

oh, well, heres to a good wednesday and thursday!!!!!

Chem was boring for wed, nothing much.
Julia was raher busy today, so had to step up....aaaaaargh so much to do!
since there was the need for the temperature taking and all, i had to crowd into the lecture theature........hmmm

well, there was all thi stuff going on, the SC investiture and the SYF thing. but oh well.....

did some essay skills in GP lesson.

now the fun part!
as you all know, im from media club and today is the day the ex co shadowed the seniors whoohoooo!!!!! met up in the cca room, apparently the seniors were late. tsk tsk tsk!

apart from that, the room was super stuffy so, me and the girls(sigh.....) hanged out outside, to catch the breeze. ugh.... two girls from SC blatantly BITCHED in front of us as they stroll by in their blazer and all....... sooooo arogant!

paired up with wen lin, my long lost sji pal, he started off with some nice points, and then he tooked some pictures. then he went all jiggly and stuff, so he passsed me the camera.....hmmm

well, took some pictures......walk around the hall.......pretty cool, no one really yell or scold me from walking everywhere, as a matter a fact they kept smiling and posing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stayed in Stupid stuffy hall for assembly,
bad physices,
Uber boring mother tongue,
Physics lecture with thermometer check...
learn stuff on moments....

Math on functions....
really sleepy...
PW = waste of time.

Thank goodness Wan Xin brought candy to cheer us up....
Boring Boring...

hmm , had art lessons till 6:30, soooo tired...

need to type essay somemore, aaargh!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

lol ok, got the monday blues today....

did the silly paper clip, cup experiment for physics in the morning, got some really nice readings. hehe i kept rippng off the skotch tape....

then math lecture....nothing here...

Mrs Loh did not come today, so mr neo took over for PW, any who, we discussed the thingamagick on the group proposal thingy project. really did some progress, have some confidence on the new idea we thought up.

well, its just fair for jared anyway, that no one's idea got chosen, we came out with a totally new one....

hope this will score us a good mark....

Pe was faisal n gang were playing soccer, in which i do not wish to try, (Ball games) you see, so i went on to elp nadheera run her 2.4km. wheee!!! she improved by a whopping 2.5min! thats rally aot....hope she can do the same ammount of improvement on her next run...

good effort! was Mr goh's weekly lesson. Did some work on collective nouns n desciptions.....zzzz faisal, went all loud mouth and disrupted the entire lesson....

argh my sis is pestering me to get off!!!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

lol its may day!!
well, nothing really happened, mom cooked some nice n tasty pork chops in which i had a hard time eating cuz of all the fats....

well, rather enjoyable, nothing much really happened today...