Monday, June 29, 2009

ok, i have alot of studying to do so i am going to make this short....

well , today is special, i had this weird experience this morning.

well, this experience was really mind boogling to me as i felt rather guilty, so im going to post it on the forums anyway.
well, as usual i boarded the train this morning and i was holding the hand grail. after the door closed and it started to move, this guy next to me bumped his head on my arm. then i thought to myself, well thats ok, he is just tired thats all.


well, it was a dreadful experience, i had to alight in , what, 20 sec and i had to study for my physics paper today. he fainted and i continued to read my notes, cuz theres so many other people that can do something, at that moment i did not know WHAT in the world i should be doing?
i felt rather guilty.

well, i held his arm up so he can regain consciouness and get up. he stared at everyone around as if we were aliens.
sure, the fainting was scary but what really sickens all of us was that the girl already pressed the emergency button and alerted the authorities to come and handle the situation. AND THEN ONCE THE GUY HEARD ABOUT THE BUTTON...HE ALIGHTED ON THE NEXT STOP!

well, im now speaking on the account of the people around, not only did he caused a disturbance to their normal lives, he said absolutely nothing and left hitout saying thank you and all..

he even frowned at everyone!

well , its completely obvious he wasnt meditating or doing yoga on the train at 6am, omg.

oh, and the physics paper was medium-easy, got 4 or 5 questions fromt he TYS, confirmed correct.

lol need to mug for art, cya =)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ok, .....ok....i can do this
just realised that i have not done my tutorial omg and i need to hand it up tmr or else my teacher will be screaming at me again....i really hate that!

thank good ness wei jiang is scanning me a copy now and im typing my frustration out right now....

anyways, im going to type about the class cip that i went yesterday!

well, i came to the meeting place at cck to meet up the people. turns out that not many people were there, must be the hot weather....

bought two mushroom buns that tasted good, took a bite at food culture....
waited for more late comers...

and ok we are off!
thanks to wan xin we missed 2 LRT trains..... sigh....

ok, throughout the time me and sofi were trying to figure out the difficult physics question that valerie showed to us, pretty nifty, but i got hold of the logic in time. pretty tricky...

im really worried about my mid years now....

ok, well, we got to the place, after a long trek from the petir LRT station, the woman inside whom i do not know her name , not even now, ill just call her "woman person" introduced us with stuff.

10 of us were sent to do the workshop, while the rest had to do office and logistics stuff. snobbily, all the girls went to do the craft... sigh....
well, i had the opportunity to get a spot in craft but i think that i should give other people a chance, i dont want to be a snob.

glenn went to order the food and all...
while the rest had to fix up a white board full of magnets that keep dropping.
i myself, was a little different, i got sent to key in information in the database, basically just collating surveys done by stupid primary school students.....dumb idiots...

the person guiding me, george, was nice and fatherly, hehe he reminds me of Mr gregory, my scout teacher in secondary school. dressed in a striped office clothing, he helped me fix the malfunctioning stamp every now and then. That was also the first time in which i found that "robot" stamps exist, which changes the number every time you stamp something... haha , i was making alot of thumpting sounds as i was afraid that my wimpy arms could not apply enough force to stamp it...

well, the surveys covered events like sandwhich making, movie viewing and emotional workshops and 80% of the attendants wrote "snowcity or wild wild wet" on the "other comments" dumb girl even wrote her name on the line and a couple of them did not know how to spell "more" and simple words like "fun". when asked what other activities should we plan, a couple wrote down the title of the survey.... oh well...

after 3 hours of grooling typing, my eyeballs where all aching !
hmm glenn came in and said hi....

erm....i joined sofi and the rest to do up the whiteboard. turns out that the lady, "ko ee" or something, was totally particular, and that all of us had a deep hatred for her.

it was rather ridiculous, instead of writing all the info down on the board like a human being, she had to make fancy laminated signs with magnets intricately pasted on the back.... crazy woman...
then at the end of it, it was like 5pm, we were actually promised to end at 530pm where we get max cip hours, instead she said " nor nor you kaaaaarn nhot , kaaaaaaarn nhot".....she cheated half an hour from us!

anywho, waited outside for the rest with glenn and jared, kinda boring and i was like eaten alive by the surrounding mosquitoes.....idiotic insects...

well, i ended up BPP at the end of the day as i thoguht that i will be eating dinner with some people...ugh they forsakened me and went home.... hmm luckily theres faisal n glenn still there...
haha, that tiem when i was browsing through popular, i saw mrs tan , my chem teacher in the shop, she was wearing her office clothing and a name tag around her neck, for ocne i thought that she was working there! or is she really....? anyways, after that i went to look for her as i want to take a candid pic, but turns out she isnt there...oh well....

ok that is all....
idiotic primary school children...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

hey eblieburdie! im back!!!!!!!
well, today is the day of the H1 paper, as for me, i took chemistry....damn.....gan jiong.
well, the MCQ questions were easy, but super duper tricky. im sure i got a few of them wrong!!!!!!!
well then, the section b part was a little scary, dunno alot, especially the redox question.
well, for the entire morning, i was on zombie mode, so did not really talk much to anybody.
after which i stayed back to finish up my painting for the S:A competition, tried to add in a certain effect, but not sure if the judges will even appreciate it or what.....

heres the pic XD

well, the main theme of the compeitions was "our heritage, a new life", so i interpreted it by dabbing quick strokes with my brush on the first impression the buildings made me and i added "new life " to them through the precise outlining in black. this is to show that the buildings have entered a whole new state of life.... but im sure no one cares....

no one ever reads this blog anywaysss.........

oh and heres a pic of the copy painting i made !

he he

after school, i went to buy some herbs for herbal chicken....hmm also bought the refreshing herbs for that "liang cha" i had always wanted to try out....